
How to contribute to PISM?

Photo: M. Winkler / Unsplash


There are many ways you can contribute to PISM:

  • Fix typos, inaccuracies, and omissions in the manual
  • Improve documentation of existing features
  • Provide additional examples
  • Add new tests for existing code
  • Report issues with the code or documentation
  • Fix bugs in PISM
  • Implement new features

Please see Contributing to PISM in PISM’s manual for some guidelines.

Contribution workflow

In summary: documentation and code contributions are preferred via pull requests to

  1. Fork PISM’s repository
  2. Create a branch that will contain your changes
  3. Implement proposed changes
    • Make changes to the code or documentation (or both)
    • Test your changes
    • Add verification or regression tests (optional but strongly encouraged)
    • Update documentation, if necessary
    • Update the change log CHANGES.rst. If your contribution contains a bug fix, please describe the bug and its effects
  4. Create a pull request and make sure to allow edits from maintainers

If you are planning a large contribution we encourage you to open an issue at or e-mail us at and interact with us frequently to ensure that your effort is well-directed.

Note: By submitting code, the contributor gives irretrievable consent to the redistribution and modification of the contributed source code as described in the PISM’s open source license.

Bug reporting

Please see the issues to check if someone already found a similar bug. You can post an issue there, and label it as a bug, if it is new. Alternatively, send a report by e-mail to

Please include the following information in all bug-reports and questions about particular PISM’s behavior:

  • the PISM version (the output of pismr -version)
  • the full command necessary to reproduce the bug
  • the input files used by the run reproducing the bug
  • a description of what PISM does wrong

For more details, please see Submitting bug reports in PISM’s manual.

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