PISM 2.2.0 documentation¶
- Acknowledgments
- Installing PISM
- PISM User’s Manual
- Getting started: a Greenland ice sheet example
- Ice dynamics, the PISM view
- Initialization and bootstrapping
- Modeling choices
- Practical usage
- Handling NetCDF files
- Input and output
- Interpolation of input data
- Understanding adaptive time-stepping
- Scalar diagnostic quantities
- Spatially-varying diagnostic quantities
- Snapshots of the model state
- Run-time diagnostic viewers
- PISM’s configuration parameters and how to change them
- Regridding
- Signals, to control a running PISM model
- Balancing the books
- PETSc options for PISM users
- Utility and test scripts
- Using PISM for flow-line modeling
- Managing source code modifications
- ISMIP6 Greenland
- Simplified geometry experiments
- Verification
- Validation case studies
- Example: A regional model of the Jakobshavn outlet glacier in Greenland
- Get the drainage basin delineation tool
- Preprocess the data and get the whole ice sheet model file
- Identify the drainage basin for the modeled outlet glacier
- Cut out the computational domain for the regional model
- Quick start
- Spinning-up the regional model on a 5 km grid
- Century run on a 2 km grid
- Plotting results
- Configuration parameters
- Diagnostic quantities
- Climate forcing
- Using time-dependent forcing
- Examples and corresponding options
- Testing if forcing data is used correctly
- Surface mass and energy process model components
- The “invisible” model
- Reading top-surface boundary conditions from a file
- Elevation-dependent temperature and mass balance
- Temperature-index scheme
- Diurnal Energy Balance Model “dEBM-simple”
- Scalar temperature offsets
- Adjustments using modeled change in surface elevation
- Mass flux adjustment
- Using climate data anomalies
- The caching modifier
- Preventing grounding line retreat
- Atmosphere model components
- Boundary conditions read from a file
- Cosine yearly cycle
- SeaRISE-Greenland
- One weather station
- Scalar temperature offsets
- Scalar precipitation offsets
- Precipitation scaling
- Precipitation correction using scalar temperature offsets
- Adjustments using modeled change in surface elevation
- Using climate data anomalies
- Orographic precipitation
- Ocean model components
- Constant in time and space
- Reading forcing data from a file
- Basal melt rate and temperature from thermodynamics in boundary layer
- Scalar sea level offsets
- Two-dimensional sea level offsets
- Scalar sub-shelf temperature offsets
- Scalar sub-shelf mass flux offsets
- Scalar sub-shelf mass flux fraction offsets
- Two-dimensional sub-shelf mass flux offsets
- Scalar melange back pressure offsets
- Melange back pressure as a fraction of pressure difference
- The caching modifier
- Technical notes
- Release checklist
- CF standard names used by PISM
- On the vertical coordinate in PISM, and a critical change of variable
- Using Schoof’s parameterized bed roughness technique in PISM
- Calving front stress boundary condition
- Notes about the flow-line SSA
- BOMBPROOF, PISM’s numerical scheme for conservation of energy
- Computing steady-state subglacial water flux
- Three-equation ocean model (implementation details)
- Blatter stress balance solver: technical details
- Contributing to PISM
- Authorship
- Citing PISM
- Publishing
- References
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