PIK Potsdam: PostDoc positions in ice sheet and Earth system modelling

Published: Aug 21, 2024 by The PISM Authors

A two-year PostDoc positions in ice sheet and Earth system modelling is available in the Ice Dynamics group, as part of the new Earth Resilience Science Unit (ERSU), at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).

The position is part of the German Climate Modeling Initiative PalMod III, with focus on the interaction and possible feedbacks of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with the solid Earth, the global sea level and the climate. Simulations will be performed with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) coupled to the global solid Earth and sea level model VILMA, to investigate tipping characteristics and potential interhemispheric interactions, in cooperation with ESM modelers within PalMod (CLIMBER-X, MPI-ESM, AWI-ESM, CESM).

The position will start on 01/10/2024 or as soon as possible afterwards. Application deadline: 31 August 2024 ! Detailed information: https://t1p.de/cwp18 If you have any questions about the vacancy or require further information, please contact: albrecht@pik-potsdam.de


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