PISM, A Parallel Ice Sheet Model
stable v2.1.1 committed by Constantine Khrulev on 2024-12-04 13:36:58 -0900
This is the complete list of members for pism::array::CellType, including all inherited members.
add(double alpha, const Array2D< double > &x) | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
add(double alpha, const Array2D< double > &x, Array2D< double > &result) const | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
pism::array::Array::add(double alpha, const Array &x) | pism::array::Array | |
allocate_proc0_copy() const | pism::array::Array | |
Array(std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid, const std::string &name, Kind ghostedp, size_t dof, size_t stencil_width, const std::vector< double > &zlevels) | pism::array::Array | protected |
Array(const Array &other) | pism::array::Array | private |
array() | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
array() const | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
Array2D(std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid, const std::string &short_name, Kind ghostedp, unsigned int stencil_width=1) | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
as_int(int i, int j) const | pism::array::Scalar | inline |
begin_access() const | pism::array::Array | virtual |
box(int i, int j) const | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inlineprotected |
box_int(int i, int j) const | pism::array::Scalar | inlineprotected |
CellType(std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid, const std::string &name) | pism::array::CellType | |
CellType(std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid, const std::string &name, int w) | pism::array::CellType | protected |
check_array_indices(int i, int j, unsigned int k) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
checkCompatibility(const char *function, const Array &other) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
checksum(bool serial) const | pism::array::Array | |
copy_from(const Array2D< double > &source) | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
copy_to_vec(std::shared_ptr< petsc::DM > destination_da, petsc::Vec &destination) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
define(const File &file, io::Type default_type) const | pism::array::Array | |
dm() const | pism::array::Array | |
dump(const char filename[]) const | pism::array::Array | |
duplicate() const | pism::array::Scalar | |
end_access() const | pism::array::Array | virtual |
fletcher64() const | pism::array::Array | |
fletcher64_serial() const | pism::array::Array | |
floating_ice(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
get_dof(std::shared_ptr< petsc::DM > da_result, petsc::Vec &result, unsigned int start, unsigned int count=1) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
get_from_proc0(petsc::Vec &onp0) | pism::array::Array | |
get_from_proc0(petsc::Vec &onp0, petsc::Vec ¶llel) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
get_name() const | pism::array::Array | |
grid() const | pism::array::Array | |
grounded(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
grounded_ice(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
ice_free(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
ice_free_land(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
ice_free_ocean(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
icy(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
inc_state_counter() | pism::array::Array | |
levels() const | pism::array::Array | |
m_array | pism::array::Array | mutableprotected |
m_impl | pism::array::Array | protected |
metadata(unsigned int N=0) | pism::array::Array | |
metadata(unsigned int N=0) const | pism::array::Array | |
ndims() const | pism::array::Array | |
ndof() const | pism::array::Array | |
norm(int n) const | pism::array::Array | |
ocean(int i, int j) const | pism::array::CellType | inline |
operator()(int i, int j) | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
operator()(int i, int j) const | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inline |
operator=(const Array &) | pism::array::Array | private |
print_checksum(const char *prefix="", bool serial=false) const | pism::array::Array | |
put_on_proc0(petsc::Vec &onp0) const | pism::array::Array | |
put_on_proc0(petsc::Vec ¶llel, petsc::Vec &onp0) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
range() const | pism::array::Array | |
read(const std::string &filename, unsigned int time) | pism::array::Array | |
read(const File &file, unsigned int time) | pism::array::Array | |
read_impl(const File &file, unsigned int time) | pism::array::Array | protected |
regrid(const std::string &filename, io::Default default_value) | pism::array::Array | |
regrid(const File &file, io::Default default_value) | pism::array::Array | |
regrid_impl(const File &file, io::Default default_value) | pism::array::Array | protectedvirtual |
Scalar(std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid, const std::string &name) | pism::array::Scalar | |
Scalar(std::shared_ptr< const Grid > grid, const std::string &name, int width) | pism::array::Scalar | protected |
scale(double alpha) | pism::array::Array | |
set(double c) | pism::array::Array | |
set_begin_access_use_dof(bool flag) | pism::array::Array | protected |
set_dof(std::shared_ptr< petsc::DM > da_source, petsc::Vec &source, unsigned int start, unsigned int count=1) | pism::array::Array | protected |
set_interpolation_type(InterpolationType type) | pism::array::Array | |
set_name(const std::string &name) | pism::array::Array | |
shape() const | pism::array::Array | |
shift(double alpha) | pism::array::Array | |
size() const | pism::array::Array | private |
star(int i, int j) const | pism::array::Array2D< double > | inlineprotected |
star_int(int i, int j) const | pism::array::Scalar | inlineprotected |
state_counter() const | pism::array::Array | |
stencil_width() const | pism::array::Array | |
update_ghosts() | pism::array::Array | |
value_type typedef | pism::array::Array2D< double > | |
vec() const | pism::array::Array | |
view(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< petsc::Viewer > > viewers) const | pism::array::Array | |
write(const std::string &filename) const | pism::array::Array | |
write(const File &file) const | pism::array::Array | |
write_impl(const File &file) const | pism::array::Array | protected |
~Array() | pism::array::Array | virtual |
~PetscAccessible()=default | pism::PetscAccessible | virtual |