►Npism | |
►Narray | |
CAccessScope | Makes sure that we call begin_access() and end_access() for all accessed array::Arrays |
►CArray | Abstract class for reading, writing, allocating, and accessing a DA-based PETSc Vec (2D and 3D fields) from within IceModel |
CImpl | |
CArray2D | A storage vector combining related fields in a struct |
CArray3D | A virtual class collecting methods common to ice and bedrock 3D fields |
CCellType | "Cell type" mask. Adds convenience methods to array::Scalar |
CCellType1 | |
CCellType2 | |
►CForcing | 2D time-dependent inputs (for climate forcing, etc) |
CData | |
CScalar | |
CScalar1 | |
CScalar2 | |
CStaggered | A class for storing and accessing internal staggered-grid 2D fields. Uses dof=2 storage. This class is identical to array::Vector, except that components are not called u and v (to avoid confusion) |
CStaggered1 | |
CVector | |
CVector1 | |
CVector2 | |
►Natmosphere | Atmosphere models and modifiers: provide precipitation and temperature to a surface::SurfaceModel below |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CAirTemperatureSnapshot | Instantaneous near-surface air temperature |
CAirTemperature | Effective near-surface mean-annual air temperature |
CPrecipitation | Effective precipitation rate (average over time step) |
CMeanSummerTemperature | Mean summer near-surface air temperature |
CAnomaly | Reads and uses air_temp and precipitation anomalies from a file |
CCosineYearlyCycle | |
CDelta_P | |
CDelta_T | |
CElevationChange | |
CFactory | |
CFrac_P | |
CGiven | |
COrographicPrecipitation | |
COrographicPrecipitationSerial | |
CPIK | |
CPrecipitationScaling | |
CSeaRISEGreenland | A modification of YearlyCycle tailored for the SeaRISE-Greenland assessment. Uses the Fausto [Faustoetal2009] present-day temperature parameterization and stored precipitation data |
CUniform | |
CWeatherStation | |
CYearlyCycle | |
CAtmosphereModel | A purely virtual class defining the interface of a PISM Atmosphere Model |
►Nbed | Bed-related models: bed deformation (provide bed elevation and uplift) and (soon) bed erosion |
CBedDef | PISM bed deformation model (base class) |
CNull | |
CPointwiseIsostasy | Point-wise isostasy bed deformation model |
CGiven | |
Cvd_params | Parameters used to describe the response of the viscous half-space model to a disc load |
Cgreens_elastic | |
Cge_data | Parameters used to access elastic Green's function from the [Farrell] earth model |
CLingleClark | A wrapper class around LingleClarkSerial |
CLingleClarkSerial | Class implementing the bed deformation model described in [BLKfastearth] |
►Ncalving | Calving and iceberg removal code |
CCalvingAtThickness | Calving mechanism removing the ice at the shelf front that has thickness below a given threshold |
CEigenCalving | |
CFloatKill | Calving mechanism removing floating ice |
CHayhurstCalving | |
CStressCalving | An abstract class containing fields used by all stress-based calving methods |
CvonMisesCalving | |
CIcebergRemover | PISM iceberg remover |
CIcebergRemoverFEM | |
►Ndiagnostics | |
►Nscalar | |
CIceVolumeGlacierized | Computes the total ice volume in glacierized areas |
CIceVolume | Computes the total ice volume |
CSeaLevelRisePotential | Computes the total ice volume which is relevant for sea-level |
CIceVolumeRateOfChangeGlacierized | Computes the rate of change of the total ice volume in glacierized areas |
CIceVolumeRateOfChange | Computes the rate of change of the total ice volume |
CIceAreaGlacierized | Computes the total ice area |
CIceMassNotDisplacingSeaWater | Computes the total mass of the ice not displacing sea water |
CIceMassGlacierized | Computes the total ice mass in glacierized areas |
CIceMass | Computes the total ice mass |
CIceMassRateOfChangeGlacierized | Computes the rate of change of the total ice mass in glacierized areas |
CIceMassRateOfChangeDueToFlow | Computes the rate of change of the total ice mass due to flow (influx due to prescribed constant-in-time ice thickness) |
CIceMassRateOfChange | Computes the rate of change of the total ice mass |
CIceVolumeGlacierizedTemperate | Computes the total volume of the temperate ice in glacierized areas |
CIceVolumeTemperate | Computes the total volume of the temperate ice |
CIceVolumeGlacierizedCold | Computes the total volume of the cold ice in glacierized areas |
CIceVolumeCold | Computes the total volume of the cold ice |
CIceAreaGlacierizedTemperateBase | Computes the total area of the temperate ice |
CIceAreaGlacierizedColdBase | Computes the total area of the cold ice |
CIceEnthalpyGlacierized | Computes the total ice enthalpy in glacierized areas |
CIceEnthalpy | Computes the total ice enthalpy |
CIceAreaGlacierizedGrounded | Computes the total grounded ice area |
CIceAreaGlacierizedShelf | Computes the total floating ice area |
CIceVolumeGlacierizedGrounded | Computes the total grounded ice volume |
CIceVolumeGlacierizedShelf | Computes the total floating ice volume |
CTimeStepLength | Reports the mass continuity time step |
CTimeStepRatio | Reports the mass continuity time step |
CMaxDiffusivity | Reports maximum diffusivity |
CMaxHorizontalVelocity | Reports the maximum horizontal absolute velocity component over the grid |
CIceMassFluxBasal | Reports the total bottom surface ice flux |
CIceMassFluxSurface | Reports the total top surface ice flux |
CIceMassFluxBasalGrounded | Reports the total basal ice flux over the grounded region |
CIceMassFluxBasalFloating | Reports the total sub-shelf ice flux |
CIceMassFluxConservationError | Reports the total numerical mass flux needed to preserve non-negativity of ice thickness |
CIceMassFluxDischarge | Reports the total discharge flux |
CIceMassFluxCalving | Reports the total calving flux |
CIceMassFluxAtGroundingLine | Reports the total flux across the grounding line |
CIsochroneDepths | Report isochrone depth below surface, in meters |
CFluxDivergence | Report the divergence of the ice flux |
CFluxStaggered | Report mass flux on the staggered grid |
CTendencyOfIceAmount | Computes tendency_of_ice_amount, the ice amount rate of change |
CTendencyOfIceAmountDueToFlow | Computes tendency_of_ice_amount_due_to_flow, the rate of change of ice amount due to flow |
CSurfaceFlux | Report surface mass balance flux, averaged over the reporting interval |
CBasalFlux | Report basal mass balance flux, averaged over the reporting interval |
CConservationErrorFlux | |
CDischargeFlux | Report discharge (calving and frontal melt) flux |
CCalvingFlux | Report the calving flux |
CFrontalMeltFlux | Report the frontal melt flux |
CForcedRetreatFlux | Report the frontal melt flux |
CIceMarginPressureDifference | Ocean pressure difference at calving fronts. Used to debug CF boundary conditins |
CBMBSplit | Report average basal mass balance flux over the reporting interval (grounded or floating areas) |
CHardnessAverage | Computes vertically-averaged ice hardness |
CRank | Computes a diagnostic field filled with processor rank values |
CCTS | Computes CTS, CTS = E/E_s(p) |
CTemperature | Computes ice temperature from enthalpy |
CTemperaturePA | Compute the pressure-adjusted temperature in degrees C corresponding to ice temperature |
CTemperaturePABasal | Computes basal values of the pressure-adjusted temperature |
CIceEnthalpySurface | Computes surface values of ice enthalpy |
CIceEnthalpyBasal | Computes enthalpy at the base of the ice |
CTemperatureBasal | Computes ice temperature at the base of the ice |
CTemperatureSurface | Computes ice temperature at the surface of the ice |
CLiquidFraction | Computes the liquid water fraction |
CTemperateIceThickness | Computes the total thickness of temperate ice in a column |
CTemperateIceThicknessBasal | Computes the thickness of the basal layer of temperate ice |
CThicknessRateOfChange | Computes dHdt, the ice thickness rate of change |
CLatLonBounds | Computes latitude and longitude bounds |
CIceAreaFraction | |
CIceAreaFractionGrounded | |
CIceAreaFractionFloating | |
CHeightAboveFloatation | Computes the 2D height above flotation |
CIceMass | Computes the mass per cell |
CBedTopographySeaLevelAdjusted | Sea-level adjusted bed topography (zero at sea level) |
CIceHardness | Ice hardness computed using the SIA flow law |
CIceViscosity | Effective viscosity of ice (3D) |
CIceThickness | Report ice thickness |
CIceBottomSurfaceElevation | Report ice top surface elevation |
CIceSurfaceElevation | Report ice top surface elevation |
CGroundingLineFlux | Report grounding line flux |
►Nenergy | Energy balance models and utilities |
CBedrockColumn | |
CBTUGrid | |
CBedThermalUnit | Given the temperature of the top of the bedrock, for the duration of one time-step, provides upward geothermal flux at that interface at the end of the time-step |
CBTU_geothermal_flux_at_ground_level | |
CBTU_Full | Given the temperature of the top of the bedrock, for the duration of one time-step, provides upward geothermal flux at that interface at the end of the time-step |
CBTU_Minimal | |
CCHSystem | |
CDrainageCalculator | Compute the rate of drainage D(omega) for temperate ice |
CLiquifiedIceFlux | Ice loss "flux" due to ice liquefaction |
CInputs | |
CEnergyModelStats | |
CEnergyModel | |
CEnthalpyModel | The enthalpy-based energy balance model |
CDummyEnergyModel | The "dummy" energy balance model. Reads in enthalpy from a file, but does not update it |
CenthSystemCtx | Tridiagonal linear system for conservation of energy in vertical column of ice enthalpy |
CTemperatureModel | |
CtempSystemCtx | Tridiagonal linear system for vertical column of temperature-based conservation of energy problem |
CEnthalpyModel_Regional | The enthalpy-based energy balance model for regional runs |
CBTU_Verification | |
CTemperatureModel_Verification | Temperature-based energy balance model with verification-specific initialization code |
►Nfem | |
CDirichletData | |
CDirichletData_Scalar | |
CDirichletData_Vector | |
CElement | The mapping from global to local degrees of freedom |
CElement2 | |
CQ1Element2 | Q1 element with sides parallel to X and Y axes |
CP1Element2 | P1 element embedded in Q1Element2 |
►CElement3 | |
CGlobalIndex | |
CQ1Element3 | 3D Q1 element |
CQ1Element3Face | |
CElementIterator | Manages iterating over element indices |
CGerm | Struct for gathering the value and derivative of a function at a point |
CQuadPoint | |
CQuadrature | Numerical integration of finite element functions |
CGaussian2 | |
CQ1Quadrature1 | The 1-point Gaussian quadrature on the square [-1,1]*[-1,1] |
CQ1Quadrature4 | The 4-point Gaussian quadrature on the square [-1,1]*[-1,1] |
CQ1Quadrature9 | The 9-point Gaussian quadrature on the square [-1,1]*[-1,1] |
CQ1Quadrature16 | The 16-point Gaussian quadrature on the square [-1,1]*[-1,1] |
CQ1QuadratureN | |
CP1Quadrature3 | |
CQ13DQuadrature8 | |
CQ13DQuadrature1 | |
CQ13DQuadrature64 | |
►Nfrontalmelt | Frontal melt models and modifiers |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CFrontalMeltRate | Report frontal melt rate |
CFrontalMeltRetreatRate | Report retreat rate due to frontal melt |
CConstant | A class implementing a constant (in terms of the ocean inputs) frontal melt model. Uses a configuration parameter for the frontal melt rate |
CDischargeGiven | |
CDischargeRouting | |
CFactory | |
CFrontalMeltPhysics | |
CGiven | |
CFrontalMelt | A very rudimentary PISM frontal melt model |
►Ngrid | |
CInputGridInfo | Contains parameters of an input file grid |
CParameters | Grid parameters; used to collect defaults before an Grid is allocated |
►Nhydrology | Sub-glacial hydrology models and related diagnostics |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CTendencyOfWaterMass | |
CTotalInputRate | Report water input rate from the ice surface into the subglacial water system |
CWaterInputFlux | Report water flux due to input (basal melt and drainage from the surface) |
CSubglacialWaterFlux | Report advective subglacial water flux |
CGroundedMarginFlux | Report water flux at the grounded margin |
CGroundingLineFlux | Report subglacial water flux at grounding lines |
CConservationErrorFlux | Report subglacial water conservation error flux (mass added to preserve non-negativity) |
CDomainBoundaryFlux | Report subglacial water flux at domain boundary (in regional model configurations) |
CTendencyOfWaterMassDueToFlow | Report water flux at the grounded margin |
CBasalWaterPressure | Reports the pressure of the transportable water in the subglacial layer |
CRelativeBasalWaterPressure | Reports the pressure of the transportable water in the subglacial layer as a fraction of the overburden pressure |
CEffectiveBasalWaterPressure | Reports the effective pressure of the transportable water in the subglacial layer, that is, the overburden pressure minus the pressure |
CWallMelt | Report the wall melt rate from dissipation of the potential energy of the transportable water |
CBasalWaterVelocity | Diagnostically reports the staggered-grid components of the velocity of the water in the subglacial layer |
CHydraulicPotential | Report hydraulic potential in the subglacial hydrology system |
CDistributed | The PISM subglacial hydrology model for a distributed linked-cavity system |
CEmptyingProblem | |
CInputs | |
CHydrology | The PISM subglacial hydrology model interface |
CNullTransport | |
CRouting | A subglacial hydrology model which assumes water pressure equals overburden pressure |
CSteadyState | |
►Nicebin | |
►CIBIceModel | |
CParams | |
CIBSurfaceModel | |
CMassEnthVec2S | |
CVecWithFlags | |
CMassEnergyBudget | |
CNullTransportHydrology | |
CVecBundleWriter | |
►Ninverse | Inverse modeling code |
CIP_H1NormFunctional2S | Implements a functional corresponding to (the square of) an \(H^1\) norm of a scalar valued function |
CIP_L2NormFunctional2S | Implements a functional corresponding to (the square of) an \(L^2\) norm of a scalar valued function |
CIP_L2NormFunctional2V | Implements a functional corresponding to (the square of) an \(L^2\) norm of a vector valued function |
CIPFunctional | Abstract base class for functions from ice model vectors to \(\mathbb{R}\) |
CIPInnerProductFunctional | Abstract base class for IPFunctionals arising from an inner product |
CIPGroundedIceH1NormFunctional2S | Implements a functional corresponding to (the square of) an \(H^1\) norm of a scalar valued function over a region with only grounded ice |
CIPLogRatioFunctional | Implements a functional for log-ratio errors |
CIPLogRelativeFunctional | Implements a functional for log-relative errors |
CIPMeanSquareFunctional2S | Implements a functional corresponding to a (possibly weighted) sum of squares of components of an array::Scalar |
CIPMeanSquareFunctional2V | Implements a functional corresponding to a (possibly weighted) sum of squares of components of an array::Scalar |
CIPTotalVariationFunctional2S | Pseduo total variation functional |
CIP_SSAHardavForwardProblem | Implements the forward problem of the map taking \(\tau_c\) to the corresponding solution of the SSA |
CIP_SSAHardavTaoTikhonovProblem | Defines an IPTaoTikhonovProblem for inversion of basal yeild stresses \(\tau_c\) from SSA velocities |
CIP_SSATaucForwardProblem | Implements the forward problem of the map taking \(\tau_c\) to the corresponding solution of the SSA |
CIP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblem | Defines an IPTaoTikhonovProblem for inversion of basal yeild stresses \(\tau_c\) from SSA velocities |
CIP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblemLCLListener | Iteration callback class for IP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblemLCL |
CIP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblemLCL | Defines a Tikhonov minimization problem of determining \(\tau_c\) from SSA velocities to be solved with a TaoBasicSolver using the tao_lcl algorithm |
CMatrixMultiplyCallback | |
CIP_SSATaucTikhonovGNSolver | |
CIPDesignVariableParameterization | |
CIPDesignVariableParamIdent | Parameterization \(d=d_{\rm scale}g(\zeta)\) with \(g(\zeta)=\zeta\) |
CIPDesignVariableParamSquare | Parameterization \(\tau_c=\tau_{\rm scale}g(\zeta)\) with \(g(\zeta)=\zeta^2\) |
CIPDesignVariableParamExp | Parameterization \(\tau_c=\tau_{\rm scale}g(\zeta)\) with \(g(\zeta)=\exp(\zeta)\) |
CIPDesignVariableParamTruncatedIdent | A monotone non-negative parameterization \(\tau_c=\tau_{\rm scale}g(\zeta)\) that is approximately the identity away from small values of \(\tau_c\) |
CIPTaoTikhonovProblem | Defines a Tikhonov minimization problem to be solved with a TaoBasicSolver |
CIPTaoTikhonovProblemListener | Iteration callback class for IPTaoTikhonovProblem |
CIPTwoBlockVec | |
►Nio | Input and output code (NetCDF wrappers, etc) |
CDefault | |
CStartCountInfo | |
CNC4_Par | |
CNC4_Serial | |
CNC4File | |
CNC_Serial | |
CNCFile | The PISM wrapper for a subset of the NetCDF C API |
CParallelIO | |
CPNCFile | PISM's PnetCDF I/O wrapper |
►Nocean | Ocean models and modifiers: provide sea level elevation, melange back pressure, shelf base mass flux and shelf base temperature |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CPO_shelf_base_temperature | Shelf base temperature |
CPO_shelf_base_mass_flux | Shelf base mass flux |
►Nsea_level | |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CSL | Sea level elevation |
CDelta_SL | |
CDelta_SL_2D | |
CFactory | |
CInitializationHelper | |
CSeaLevel | |
CAnomaly | Reads and uses shelf_basal_mass_flux anomalies from a file |
CCache | |
CCompleteOceanModel | |
CConstant | A class implementing a constant (in terms of the ocean inputs) ocean model. Uses configuration parameters for the sea level elevation and sub-shelf heat flux |
CPIK | Implements the ocean model used in [Martinetal2011] |
CDelta_MBP | |
CDelta_SMB | Forcing using shelf base mass flux offsets (scalar, time-dependent) |
CDelta_T | Forcing using shelf base temperature scalar time-dependent offsets |
CFactory | |
CFrac_MBP | |
CFrac_SMB | Forcing using shelf base mass flux fractions (scalar, time-dependent) |
CGiven | |
►CGivenTH | |
CConstants | |
CInitializationHelper | |
CPico | |
CPicoGeometry | |
CTocBox1 | |
CPicoPhysics | |
CPyOceanModel | |
CPyOceanModelAdapter | The adapter class for Python ocean models |
CRunoff_SMB | |
COceanModel | A very rudimentary PISM ocean model |
►Noptions | Utilities for processing command-line options |
COption | Template base class used by PISM's option-processing classes |
CString | |
CKeyword | |
CInteger | |
CIntegerList | |
CReal | |
CRealList | |
►Npetsc | Wrappers for some PETSc objects (these wrappers simplify memory management) |
CDM | |
CIS | |
CKSP | |
CMat | |
CInitializer | |
CTao | |
CVec | |
CVecArray | Wrapper around VecGetArray and VecRestoreArray |
CVecArray2D | Wrapper around VecGetArray2d and VecRestoreArray2d |
CDMDAVecArray | |
CDMDAVecArrayDOF | |
CTemporaryGlobalVec | |
CVecScatter | |
CViewer | |
►Npython | Code added for use in Python wrappers |
CSigInstaller | Installs a signal handler on construction; deinstalls on destruction |
►Nrheology | Ice flow laws |
CFlowLaw | |
CFlowLawFactory | |
CGKparts | |
CGoldsbyKohlstedt | A hybrid of Goldsby-Kohlstedt (2001) ice (constitutive form) and Paterson-Budd (1982)-Glen (viscosity form) |
CGoldsbyKohlstedtStripped | Derived class of GoldsbyKohlstedt for testing purposes only |
CGPBLD | Glen (1955) and Paterson-Budd (1982) flow law with additional water fraction factor from Lliboutry & Duval (1985) |
Cgrain_size_vostok | A relationship between the age of the ice and the grain size from the Vostok core |
CHooke | The Hooke flow law |
CIsothermalGlen | Isothermal Glen ice allowing extra customization |
CPatersonBudd | Derived class of FlowLaw for Paterson-Budd (1982)-Glen ice |
CPatersonBuddCold | Cold case of Paterson-Budd |
CPatersonBuddWarm | Warm case of Paterson-Budd |
►Nstencils | |
CStar | Star stencil points (in the map-plane) |
CBox | |
►Nstressbalance | Stress balance models and related diagnostics |
CSIAFD_Regional | A version of the SIA stress balance with tweaks for outlet glacier simulations |
CSSAFD_Regional | A version of the SSA stress balance with tweaks for outlet glacier simulations |
►CBlatter | |
CParameters | |
CSolutionInfo | |
CBlatterMod | |
CBlatterISMIPHOM | |
CBlatterTestCFBC | |
CBlatterTestHalfar | |
CBlatterTestvanderVeen | |
CBlatterTestXY | |
CBlatterTestXZ | |
CShallowStressBalance | Shallow stress balance (such as the SSA) |
CZeroSliding | Returns zero velocity field, zero friction heating, and zero for D^2 |
CPrescribedSliding | |
CBedSmoother | PISM bed smoother, plus bed roughness parameterization, based on Schoof (2003) |
CSIAFD_schoofs_theta | Computes the multiplier \(\theta\) in Schoof's (2003) theory of the effect of bed roughness on the diffusivity of the SIA |
CSIAFD_topgsmooth | Computes the smoothed bed elevation from Schoof's (2003) theory of the effect of bed roughness on the SIA |
CSIAFD_thksmooth | Computes the thickness relative to the smoothed bed elevation in Schoof's (2003) theory of the effect of bed roughness on the SIA |
CSIAFD_diffusivity | Compute diffusivity of the SIA flow |
CSIAFD_diffusivity_staggered | Compute diffusivity of the SIA flow (on the staggered grid) |
CSIAFD_h_x | Reports the x-component of the ice surface gradient on the staggered grid as computed by SIAFD |
CSIAFD_h_y | Reports the y-component of the ice surface gradient on the staggered grid as computed by SIAFD |
CSSAStrengthExtension | Gives an extension coefficient to maintain ellipticity of SSA where ice is thin |
CSSA | PISM's SSA solver |
CSSA_taud_mag | Computes the magnitude of the driving shear stress at the base of ice (diagnostically) |
CSSA_taud | Computes the driving shear stress at the base of ice (diagnostically) |
►CSSAFD | PISM's SSA solver: the finite difference implementation |
CKSPFailure | |
CPicardFailure | |
CWork | |
CSSAFD_nuH | Reports the nuH (viscosity times thickness) product on the staggered grid |
►CSSAFEM | PISM's SSA solver: the finite element method implementation written by Jed and David |
CCallbackData | Adaptor for gluing SNESDAFormFunction callbacks to an SSAFEM |
CCoefficients | |
CSSATestCase | |
CSSATestCaseCFBC | |
CSSATestCaseConst | |
CSSATestCaseExp | |
CSSATestCasePlug | |
CSSATestCaseI | |
CSSATestCaseJ | |
CSSB_beta | |
CSSB_taud | Computes the gravitational driving stress (diagnostically) |
CSSB_taud_mag | Computes the magnitude of the gravitational driving stress (diagnostically) |
CSSB_taub | Computes the basal shear stress \( \tau_b \) |
CSSB_taub_mag | Computes the magnitude of the basal shear stress (diagnostically) |
CSSB_Modifier | Shallow stress balance modifier (such as the non-sliding SIA) |
CConstantInColumn | The trivial Shallow Stress Balance modifier |
CInputs | |
CStressBalance | The class defining PISM's interface to the shallow stress balance code |
CPrincipalStrainRates | |
CDeviatoricStresses | |
CPSB_velbar | Computes the vertically-averaged ice velocity |
CPSB_velbar_mag | Computes velbar_mag, the magnitude of vertically-integrated horizontal velocity of ice and masks out ice-free areas |
CPSB_flux | Computes uflux and vflux, components of vertically-integrated horizontal flux of ice |
CPSB_flux_mag | Computes flux_mag, the magnitude of vertically-integrated horizontal flux of ice |
CPSB_velbase_mag | Computes velbase_mag, the magnitude of horizontal velocity of ice at base of ice and masks out ice-free areas |
CPSB_velsurf_mag | Computes velsurf_mag, the magnitude of horizontal ice velocity at the surface |
CPSB_velsurf | Computes velsurf, the horizontal velocity of ice at ice surface |
CPSB_wvel | Computes vertical ice velocity (relative to the geoid) |
CPSB_wvelsurf | Computes wvelsurf, the vertical velocity of ice at ice surface |
CPSB_wvelbase | Computes wvelbase, the vertical velocity of ice at the base of ice |
CPSB_velbase | Computes horizontal ice velocity at the base of ice |
CPSB_bfrict | Computes basal frictional heating |
CPSB_uvel | Computes the x-component of the horizontal ice velocity |
CPSB_vvel | Computes the y-component of the horizontal ice velocity |
CPSB_wvel_rel | Computes vertical velocity of ice, relative to the bed directly below |
CPSB_strainheat | Reports the volumetric strain heating (3D) |
CPSB_strain_rates | Reports the vertically-integrated (2D) principal strain rates |
CPSB_deviatoric_stresses | Reports the vertically-integrated (2D) deviatoric stresses |
CPSB_pressure | Reports the pressure within the ice (3D) |
CPSB_tauxz | Reports the xz component of the shear stress within the ice (3D), according to the SIA formula |
CPSB_tauyz | Reports the yz component of the shear stress within the ice (3D), according to the SIA formula |
CPSB_vonmises_stress | Tensile von Mises stress |
CWeertmanSliding | |
►Nsurface | Surface models and modifiers: provide top-surface temperature, mass flux, liquid water fraction, mass and thickness of the surface layer |
►Ndiagnostics | |
CDEBMSInsolation | Report mean top of atmosphere insolation |
CDEBMSInsolationMelt | Report surface insolation melt, averaged over the reporting interval |
CDEBMSTemperatureMelt | Report surface temperature melt, averaged over the reporting interval |
CDEBMSBackroundMelt | Report surface backround melt, averaged over the reporting interval |
CSMBAdjustment | |
CPS_climatic_mass_balance | Climatic mass balance |
CPS_ice_surface_temp | Ice surface temperature |
CPS_liquid_water_fraction | Ice liquid water fraction at the ice surface |
CPS_layer_mass | Mass of the surface layer (snow and firn) |
CPS_layer_thickness | Surface layer (snow and firn) thickness |
CSurfaceMelt | Report surface melt, averaged over the reporting interval |
CSurfaceRunoff | Report surface runoff, averaged over the reporting interval |
CAccumulation | Report accumulation (precipitation minus rain), averaged over the reporting interval |
CTotalSurfaceAccumulation | Reports the total accumulation rate |
CTotalSurfaceMelt | Reports the total melt rate |
CTotalSurfaceRunoff | Reports the total top surface ice flux |
CAnomaly | Reads and uses climatic_mass_balance and ice_surface_temp anomalies from a file |
CCache | |
CPIK | A class implementing a constant-in-time surface model for the surface mass balance |
CDEBMSimple | A class implementing a temperature-index (positive degree-day) scheme to compute melt and runoff, and thus surface mass balance, from precipitation and air temperature |
CDEBMSimpleMelt | |
►CDEBMSimplePointwise | A dEBM-simple implementation |
CChanges | |
COrbitalParameters | |
CDelta_T | Implements the scalar temperature offsets for the ice surface temperature |
CElevation | A class implementing a elevation-dependent temperature and mass balance model |
CElevationChange | |
►CFactory | |
CSurfaceModelCreator | |
CForceThickness | |
CPSFormulas | |
CGiven | |
CInitializationHelper | |
►CLocalMassBalance | Base class for a model which computes surface mass flux rate (ice thickness per time) from precipitation and temperature |
CChanges | |
CDegreeDayFactors | A struct which holds degree day factors |
CPDDMassBalance | A PDD implementation which computes the local mass balance based on an expectation integral |
►CPDDrandMassBalance | An alternative PDD implementation which simulates a random process to get the number of PDDs |
CImpl | |
CFaustoGrevePDDObject | |
CNoGLRetreat | |
CSimple | A class implementing a primitive surface model |
CTemperatureIndex | A class implementing a temperature-index (positive degree-day) scheme to compute melt and runoff, and thus surface mass balance, from precipitation and air temperature |
CSurfaceModel | The interface of PISM's surface models |
CVerification | Climate inputs for verification tests |
►Ntaoutil | TAO (inverse modeling) utilities |
CTAOTerminationReason | Encapsulate TAO's TaoSolverTerminationReason codes as a PISM TerminationReason |
CTaoBasicSolver | An interface for solving an optimization problem with TAO where the problem itself is defined by a separate Problem class |
CTaoObjectiveCallback | Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method |
CTaoMonitorCallback | Adaptor to connect a TAO monitoring callback to a C++ object method |
CTaoGetVariableBoundsCallback | Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method |
CTaoGradientCallback | Adaptor to connect a TAO objective gradient callback to a C++ object method |
CTaoConvergenceCallback | Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method |
CTaoObjGradCallback | Adaptor to connect a TAO objective and gradient function callback to a C++ object method |
CTaoLCLCallbacks | Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method |
►Nunits | |
►CSystem | |
CImpl | |
CDateTime | |
►CUnit | |
CImpl | |
►CConverter | |
CImpl | |
CAgeColumnSystem | Tridiagonal linear system for vertical column of age (pure advection) problem |
CAgeModelInputs | |
CAgeModel | |
CIsochrones | |
CIceBasalResistancePlasticLaw | Class containing physical constants and the constitutive relation describing till for SSA |
CIceBasalResistancePseudoPlasticLaw | |
CIceBasalResistanceRegularizedLaw | |
CConstantYieldStress | |
CMohrCoulombPointwise | |
CMohrCoulombYieldStress | PISM's default basal yield stress model which applies the Mohr-Coulomb model of deformable, pressurized till |
COptTillphiYieldStress | Iterative optimization of the till friction angle |
CYieldStressInputs | |
CYieldStress | The PISM basal yield stress model interface (virtual base class) |
CFrontalMeltInputs | |
CForcingOptions | |
►CPCFactory | |
CModelCreator | |
CModifierCreator | |
CSpecificModelCreator | |
CSpecificModifierCreator | |
CFractureDensity | |
CFrontRetreat | |
CPrescribedRetreat | |
CGeometry | |
►CGeometryEvolution | |
CImpl | |
CRegionalGeometryEvolution | |
CPoint | |
CUNO | |
CIceEISModel | Derived class for doing EISMINT II simplified geometry experiments.
►CIceModel | |
CThicknessChanges | |
CTimesteppingInfo | |
CCHTemperature | Report temperature of the cryo-hydrologic system |
CCHLiquidWaterFraction | Report liquid water fraction in the cryo-hydrologic system |
CCHHeatFlux | Report rate of cryo-hydrologic warming |
CIceRegionalModel | A version of the PISM core class (IceModel) which knows about the no_model_mask and its semantics |
CRegionalYieldStress | |
CDataAccess | |
►CSNESProblem | |
CCallbackData | |
CCFLData | |
CPetscAccessible | |
CColumnInterpolation | |
CTridiagonalSystem | Virtual base class. Abstracts a tridiagonal system to solve in a column of ice and/or bedrock |
CcolumnSystemCtx | Base class for tridiagonal systems in the ice |
CInputOptions | |
CComponent | A class defining a common interface for most PISM sub-models |
CNetCDFConfig | A class for reading, writing and accessing PISM configuration flags and parameters |
CDefaultConfig | Default PISM configuration database: uses NetCDF files; can be initialized from a file specified using a command-line option |
►CConfig | A class for storing and accessing PISM configuration flags and parameters |
CImpl | |
CConfigWithPrefix | |
CConfigJSON | The JSON-based Config implementation |
►CContext | |
CImpl | |
CDiagnostic | Class representing diagnostic computations in PISM |
CDiagWithDedicatedStorage | |
CDiag | A template derived from Diagnostic, adding a "Model" |
CDiagAverageRate | |
CTSDiagnostic | PISM's scalar time-series diagnostics |
CTSSnapshotDiagnostic | Scalar diagnostic reporting a snapshot of a quantity modeled by PISM |
CTSRateDiagnostic | Scalar diagnostic reporting the rate of change of a quantity modeled by PISM |
CTSFluxDiagnostic | Scalar diagnostic reporting a "flux" |
CTSDiag | |
CEnthalpyConverter | Converts between specific enthalpy and temperature or liquid content |
CColdEnthalpyConverter | An EnthalpyConverter for use in verification tests |
CErrorLocation | |
CRuntimeError | |
CParallelSection | |
CVector3 | |
CFFTWArray | |
COwnershipRanges | |
CPointsWithGhosts | |
CPoints | |
►CGrid | Describes the PISM grid and the distribution of data across processors |
CImpl | Internal structures of Grid |
CInterpolation | |
CVariableLookupData | |
►CFile | High-level PISM I/O class |
CImpl | |
CLocalInterpCtx | |
►CLogger | A basic logging class |
CImpl | |
►CStringLogger | A logger that accumulates messages and reports them as a string |
CImpl | |
CGeometryCalculator | |
CMaxTimestep | Combines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to use the less-than operator (and std::min , etc) to choose the stricter of two restrictions |
CPoisson | |
CProfiling | |
CProj | A wrapper for PJ that makes sure pj_destroy is called |
CMappingInfo | |
►CLonLatCalculator | |
CImpl | |
►CScalarForcing | |
CImpl | |
CTerminationReason | |
CKSPTerminationReason | |
CSNESTerminationReason | |
CGenericTerminationReason | |
►CTime | Time management class |
CInterval | |
CConstAttribute | |
CAttribute | |
CVariableMetadata | |
CSpatialVariableMetadata | Spatial NetCDF variable (corresponding to a 2D or 3D scalar field) |
CVars | A class for passing PISM variables from the core to other parts of the code (such as climate couplers) |
CVector2d | This class represents a 2D vector field (such as ice velocity) at a certain grid point |
CWrapper | |
Crgrid | Class used initTestL() in generating sorted list for ODE solver |
CrgridReverseSort | Comparison used initTestL() in generating sorted list for ODE solver |
CIceCompModel | |
CTestPParameters | |
CTestFGParameters | |
Ccccalendar | |
Cccs_ccode | |
Ccoscross_params | |
CD | |
Cesterr | |
CExactLParameters | |
Cheap | |
Chypercube | |
CModelCreator | |
Cregion | |
Crule75genzmalik | |
Crule_s | |
CRun | |
CTestABCDParameters | |
CTestHParameters | |
CTestIParameters | |
CTestJParameters | |
CTestKParameters | |
CTestMParameters | |
CTestNConstants | |
CTestNParameters | |
CTestOParameters | |