Development workflow

The recommended development workflow is:

  1. When starting a new project, create a topic branch starting from dev. If you are fixing a bug in a released version of PISM, create a topic branch starting from main.

  2. Make changes to the code or documentation (or both).

    1. Compile.

    2. Fix any compilation errors and warnings. Repeat until your code compiles without warnings.

    3. Run make test and fix any test failures.

    4. Push your code to GitHub for review or to get help with b) and c).

  3. Add verification or regression tests.

  4. Test your code and repeat 2a–2c until all tests pass.

  5. Update documentation (if necessary).

  6. Update the change log CHANGES.rst.1

  7. Merge new features into dev and fixes into main and dev (or submit a pull request).

This document covers the tools and approaches we found useful for the steps listed above.

Setting up the environment

The majority of interesting PISM runs are performed on supercomputers, but we do not recommend using supercomputers for development.

Use a desktop (or a laptop) computer running Linux or macOS.

While you can use SSH to connect to a remote system to write, compile, and test your code, doing so will reduce your productivity when compared to using a computer you have physical access to.

Any MPI implementation would work, but we prefer to use MPICH for PISM development. This MPI implementation

  • has headers that compile without warnings,

  • provides type checking for pointer arguments in MPI calls, and

  • does not produce “false positives” when debugging memory access with Valgrind.

When working on a fix for a stubborn bug it may be helpful to use PETSc compiled with debugging enabled (option --with-debugging=1), but in our experience this is rarely needed. Optimized PETSc builds (using --with-debugging=0) are faster and this helps with overall productivity.

Configure PISM with debugging symbols enabled.

export PETSC_DIR=~/local/petsc/petsc-3.11.3/
export PETSC_ARCH=opt

CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx cmake \
    -DPism_DEBUG=YES \
Table 41 PISM’s configuration flags for development




Enables pedantic compiler warnings


Build extra testing executables (needed by some of regression test)


Build PISM’s Python bindings (used by many regression tests)


Enables extra sanity checks in PISM

Editing source code

Any text editor supporting C++, Python, and reStructuredText will work, but we recommend Emacs.

Your editor needs to provide the ability to jump from a compiler’s error message to the relevant part of the code. In Emacs, use M-x compile to start a compilation and M-x recompile to re-run it.

An editor that can help you navigate the code and find function definitions, etc is also helpful; try an IDE such as KDevelop, for example.

Compiling PISM

If the computer you use for development has multiple CPU cores you should tell make to use all of them. Run make -j4 on a four-core laptop, for example; this will significantly speed up compilation.

To further speed up re-compiling PISM, install ccache and configure PISM as follows:

CC="ccache mpicc" CXX="ccache mpicxx" cmake ...

It may be helpful to use LLD to link PISM during development since it is a lot faster than GNU ld. Add the following CMake options to give this a try.

-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld" \


The first step in debugging an issue is always this:

find the shortest simulation using the smallest possible grid that exhibits the problematic behavior.

It does not have to be the shortest simulation, but it should complete (or stop because of a failure) within seconds when running on the machine used for development.

A debugger such as GDB or LLDB can be very useful.2 There are many online tutorials for both.

You will need to know how to

  • start a program,

  • interrupt execution,

  • set and remove a breakpoint,

  • continue execution after stopping at a breakpoint,

  • continue execution to the next line of the code,

  • continue execution to the end of the current function call,

  • step into a function call,

  • print the value of a variable,

  • print the stack trace.

This basic set of debugging skills is often sufficient.

Sometimes a failure happens in a loop that iterates over grid points and stepping through the code in a debugger is impractical. A conditional breakpoint would help (i.e. stop only if a condition is true), but this debugger feature is not always well supported and often significantly slows down execution.

Here’s a different way to stop the code when a condition is met: add #include <cassert> to the top of the file (if it is not there), then add assert(!condition); to the place in the code where you would like to stop if condition is met.

For example,

assert(!(i == 228 and j == 146));

will stop execution at the grid point where i == 228 and j == 146.

Some of the more troublesome bugs involve memory access errors (segmentation fault errors are often caused by these). Consider using Valgrind to detect them.


Your code will run much, much slower when using Valgrind, so it is important to find a small test case reproducing the error.

Floating point exceptions

Run PISM like this

pismr -fp_trap -on_error_attach_debugger [other options]

to catch floating point exceptions (division by zero, operations with a not-a-number or infinity, square root of a negative number, etc).

Issues visible in parallel runs only

Every once in a while a bug shows up in a parallel run but not in an equivalent serial one. These bugs tend to be hard to fix and there is no definitive technique (or tool) that helps with this. Here are some tips, though.

  • Reduce the number of processes as much as possible. Most of the time the number of processes can be reduced all the way down to 2 (the smallest truly parallel case).

  • Run PISM with the option -start_in_debugger. This will produce a number of terminal windows with GDB. You will need to continue execution (GDB’s command c) in all of the windows. If PISM freezes, interrupting execution and printing the stack trace would tell you where it got stuck.

    Executing commands in all the windows with GDB is tedious and error-prone. To execute a number of commands in all of them at the beginning of the run, create a file called .gdbinit (in the current directory) and put GDB commands there (one per line).

    For example,

    break pism::RuntimeError::RuntimeError()

    will set a breakpoint at pism::RuntimeError::RuntimeError() and continue execution.

  • A parallel debugger such as TotalView may be helpful but requires a license. We don’t have experience with it and cannot give any advice.

Issues caught by automatic tests

Every time somebody pushes changes to PISM’s repository on GitHub the continuous integration system attempts to build PISM and (if it was built successfully) run a suite of tests.

It is often helpful to be able to run the same tests locally. To do this, install Docker and CircleCI CLI (command-line interface), then run

circleci local execute --job={job}
# where job is one of
# build-gcc build-clang
# build-clang-minimal build-gcc-minimal build-manual

in PISM’s source code directory.

Using clang-tidy

Clang’s tool clang-tidy can help one find possible portability, readability, and performance issues, resulting in cleaner, easier to maintain code.

To use it, add -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON to PISM’s CMake options. This will tell CMake to save information needed by clang-tidy.

Then save the script below to

Listing 6 Running clang-tidy

set -e
set -u

build_dir=${1:?ERROR: PISM build directory not specified.}
input_file=${2:?ERROR: Input file not specified.}

# Extract compiler options specifying MPI's include directories
mpi=$(mpicc -show | grep -E -o -e "-I[^ ]+")

# Run clang-tidy
clang-tidy --extra-arg=${mpi} -p ${build_dir} ${input_file}

This scrips assumes that PISM’s build directory is in ~/local/build/pism. You may need to adjust this to suit your setup.

Now, to get the report about a source file, run

The output is formatted in a way similar to compiler error messages, which makes it easy to navigate using Emacs or a similar editor.

Writing tests

All contributions containing new features should contain tests for the new code.3

A contribution fixing a bug should (ideally) contain a test that will ensure that it is fixed.

Add verification tests (tests comparing results to an analytical solution) whenever possible. If a verification test is not an option, consider adding a regression test that compares computed results to a stored output from a trusted version of the code. This will make it easier to detect a regression, i.e. an undesirable change in model results.

Here are some test writing tips:

  • Make sure that a verification test uses a grid that is not square (different number of grid points in x and y directions).

  • If possible, write a test that performs a number of computations along a refinement path and compare the computed convergence rate to the theoretical one.

  • Try to include tests ensuring that x and y directions are interchangeable: in most cases flow from left to right should behave the save as from bottom towards the top, etc.

    Here are two ways to do this:

    • Repeat the test twice, the second time using transposed inputs, then transpose results and compare.

    • Repeat the test twice, once using a refinement path along x and the second time along y; make sure that you see the same convergence rate.

  • It is good to check if the implementation preserves symmetries if the setup has any.

  • If a test uses a temporary file, make sure that it will not clash with names of files used by other tests. One easy way to do this is by generating a unique file name using mktemp (in Bash scripts) or str(uuid.uuid4()) (in Python).

Python bindings make it possible to test many PISM’s components in isolation from the rest of the code. See tests in test/regression for some examples.


This manual should cover PISM’s Python bindings. If you see this, please e-mail and remind us to document them.

Running tests

Run make test in parallel by adding


to your .bashrc. This will tell ctest to run N at the same time. Or run ctest -j N instead of make test.

Editing PISM’s manual

PISM’s manual is written using the reStructuredText markup and Sphinx.

See Rebuilding PISM documentation for a list of tools needed to build PISM’s documentation.

When working on major edits, sphinx-autobuild can save you a lot of time. Run

make manual_autobuild

in the build directory to get a browser window containing PISM’s manual that will stay up to date with your edits.

To generate the HTML version of the manual, run make manual_html; the output is saved to doc/sphinx/html/ in your build directory.

Edit doc/sphinx/math-definitions.tex to add custom LaTeX commands used in formulas (one per line).

Listing configuration parameters

The list in Configuration parameters is generated from src/pism_config.cdl. Edit this file to update the list.

When documenting a sub-model, use the :config: role to mention a parameter. This will create a hyperlink to the complete list of parameters and ensure that all parameter names are spelled correctly.

To create a list of parameters controlling a sub-model, use the pism-parameters directive. For example, to list all parameters with the prefix, add this:

.. pism-parameters::

This is the resulting list:

  1. beta_Clausius_Clapeyron (7.9e-08 Kelvin / Pascal) Clausius-Clapeyron constant relating melting temperature and pressure: beta = dT / dP [147]

  2. density (910 kg meter-3) rho_i; density of ice in ice sheet

  3. grain_size (1 mm) Default constant ice grain size to use with the Goldsby-Kohlstedt [70] flow law

  4. specific_heat_capacity (2009 Joule / (kg Kelvin)) specific heat capacity of pure ice at melting point T_0

  5. thermal_conductivity (2.1 Joule / (meter Kelvin second)) = W m-1 K-1; thermal conductivity of pure ice

For this to work, configuration parameters should be documented in src/pism_config.cdl (see the ..._doc attribute for each configuration parameter).

Listing diagnostic quantities

The list of diagnostics reported by PISM is generated by running the PISM code itself. To make sure that it is up to date, run make in doc/sphinx and commit the changes.



See Keep a change log for inspiration.


In most cases a serial debugger is sufficient.


Contributions of tests for existing code are also welcome.

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