PISM User’s Manual¶
Welcome! All information about PISM is online at the home page
Please see the extensive lists of PISM publications and applications at that page.
This User’s Manual gives examples of how to run PISM using publicly-available data for: the whole Greenland ice sheet, the Jakobshavn outlet glacier in Greenland, the Ross ice shelf in Antarctica, and a number of simplified geometry tests. It documents all the PISM’s command-line options and configuration parameters. It summarizes the continuum models used by PISM, and it illustrates how PISM’s numerical approximations are verified.
See the Installation Manual for how to download the PISM source code and install it, along with needed libraries. The Climate Forcing Manual extends this Manual to cover additional couplings to atmosphere and ocean models and data.
Users who want to understand more deeply how PISM is designed, or who want to extend it, will need to go beyond what is described here. See the Source Code Browser, which is online for the latest stable version. It can be generated from source code as described in Rebuilding PISM documentation. It gives a complete view of the class/object structure of the PISM source code.
PISM is an ongoing research project. Ice sheet modeling requires many choices. Please don’t trust the results of PISM or any other ice sheet model without a fair amount of exploration. Also, please don’t expect all your questions to be answered here. Write to us with questions or join the PISM workspace on Slack.
- Getting started: a Greenland ice sheet example
- Ice dynamics, the PISM view
- Initialization and bootstrapping
- Modeling choices
- Model domain, grid, and time
- Ice dynamics and thermodynamics
- The subglacier
- Marine ice sheet modeling
- Modeling individual outlet glaciers
- Disabling sub-models
- Dealing with more difficult modeling choices
- Practical usage
- Handling NetCDF files
- Input and output
- Interpolation of input data
- Understanding adaptive time-stepping
- Scalar diagnostic quantities
- Spatially-varying diagnostic quantities
- Snapshots of the model state
- Run-time diagnostic viewers
- PISM’s configuration parameters and how to change them
- Regridding
- Signals, to control a running PISM model
- Balancing the books
- PETSc options for PISM users
- Utility and test scripts
- Using PISM for flow-line modeling
- Managing source code modifications
- ISMIP6 Greenland
- Simplified geometry experiments
- Verification
- Validation case studies
- Example: A regional model of the Jakobshavn outlet glacier in Greenland
- Get the drainage basin delineation tool
- Preprocess the data and get the whole ice sheet model file
- Identify the drainage basin for the modeled outlet glacier
- Cut out the computational domain for the regional model
- Quick start
- Spinning-up the regional model on a 5 km grid
- Century run on a 2 km grid
- Plotting results
- Configuration parameters
- Diagnostic quantities
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