22#include "pism/basalstrength/YieldStress.hh"
High-level PISM I/O class.
Combines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to...
void init_impl(const YieldStressInputs &inputs)
void restart_impl(const File &input_file, int record)
void update_impl(const YieldStressInputs &inputs, double t, double dt)
DiagnosticList diagnostics_impl() const
void set_till_friction_angle(const array::Scalar &input)
void write_model_state_impl(const File &output) const
The default (empty implementation).
void define_model_state_impl(const File &output) const
void finish_initialization(const YieldStressInputs &inputs)
MaxTimestep max_timestep_impl(double t) const
virtual ~MohrCoulombYieldStress()=default
std::shared_ptr< array::Forcing > m_delta
void till_friction_angle(const array::Scalar &bed_topography, array::Scalar &result)
Computes the till friction angle phi as a piecewise linear function of bed elevation,...
void bootstrap_impl(const File &input_file, const YieldStressInputs &inputs)
Initialize the pseudo-plastic till mechanical model.
PISM's default basal yield stress model which applies the Mohr-Coulomb model of deformable,...
The PISM basal yield stress model interface (virtual base class)
"Cell type" mask. Adds convenience methods to array::Scalar.
std::map< std::string, Diagnostic::Ptr > DiagnosticList