PISM, A Parallel Ice Sheet Model 2.2.1-cd005eec8 committed by Constantine Khrulev on 2025-03-07
◆ preprocess_bed() [2/2]
Inputs Nx,Ny gives half-width in number of grid points, over which to do the average. Definition at line 130 of file BedSmoother.cc. References compute_coefficients_on_proc0(), pism::array::Array::get_from_proc0(), m_C2, m_C2p0, m_C3, m_C3p0, m_C4, m_C4p0, m_grid, m_maxtl, m_maxtlp0, m_Nx, m_Ny, m_topgp0, m_topgsmooth, m_topgsmoothp0, PISM_ERROR_LOCATION, pism::array::Array::put_on_proc0(), and smooth_the_bed_on_proc0(). |