enum | RegriddingFlag { REGRID_WITHOUT_REGRID_VARS
} |
| This flag determines whether a variable is read from the -regrid_file file even if it is not listed among variables in -regrid_vars . More...
void | init_impl () |
void | define_model_state_impl (const File &output) const |
| The default (empty implementation).
void | write_model_state_impl (const File &output) const |
| The default (empty implementation).
void | compute_node_type (double min_thickness) |
virtual void | nodal_parameter_values (const fem::Q1Element3 &element, Parameters **P, int i, int j, int *node_type, double *bottom, double *thickness, double *surface, double *sea_level) const |
virtual bool | marine_boundary (int face, const int *node_type, const double *ice_bottom, const double *sea_level) |
void | compute_jacobian (DMDALocalInfo *info, const Vector2d ***x, Mat A, Mat J) |
void | jacobian_dirichlet (const DMDALocalInfo &info, Parameters **P, Mat J) |
virtual void | jacobian_f (const fem::Q1Element3 &element, const Vector2d *u_nodal, const double *B_nodal, double K[2 *fem::q13d::n_chi][2 *fem::q13d::n_chi]) |
void | compute_residual (DMDALocalInfo *info, const Vector2d ***X, Vector2d ***R) |
void | residual_dirichlet (const DMDALocalInfo &info, Parameters **P, const Vector2d ***x, Vector2d ***R) |
virtual void | residual_f (const fem::Q1Element3 &element, const Vector2d *u_nodal, const double *B_nodal, Vector2d *residual) |
virtual void | init_2d_parameters (const Inputs &inputs) |
void | init_ice_hardness (const Inputs &inputs, const petsc::DM &da) |
PetscErrorCode | setup (DM pism_da, grid::Periodicity p, int Mz, int coarsening_factor, const std::string &prefix) |
void | set_initial_guess (const array::Array3D &u_sigma, const array::Array3D &v_sigma) |
void | copy_solution () |
void | compute_averaged_velocity (array::Vector &result) |
void | get_basal_velocity (array::Vector &result) |
void | report_mesh_info () |
SolutionInfo | solve () |
SolutionInfo | parameter_continuation () |
virtual DiagnosticList | diagnostics_impl () const |
virtual MaxTimestep | max_timestep_impl (double t) const |
virtual TSDiagnosticList | ts_diagnostics_impl () const |
void | regrid (const std::string &module_name, array::Array &variable, RegriddingFlag flag=NO_REGRID_WITHOUT_REGRID_VARS) |
static bool | exterior_element (const int *node_type) |
static bool | grounding_line (const double *F) |
static bool | partially_submerged_face (int face, const double *z, const double *sea_level) |
static PetscErrorCode | jacobian_callback (DMDALocalInfo *info, const Vector2d ***x, Mat A, Mat J, Blatter *solver) |
static PetscErrorCode | function_callback (DMDALocalInfo *info, const Vector2d ***x, Vector2d ***f, Blatter *solver) |
std::shared_ptr< array::Array3D > | m_u_sigma |
std::shared_ptr< array::Array3D > | m_v_sigma |
petsc::DM | m_da |
petsc::Vec | m_x |
petsc::Vec | m_x_old |
petsc::SNES | m_snes |
array::Array2D< Parameters > | m_parameters |
double | m_scaling |
double | m_rho_ice_g |
double | m_rho_ocean_g |
double | m_glen_exponent |
bool | m_eta_transform |
double | m_viscosity_eps |
double | m_E_viscosity |
bool | m_ksp_use_ew |
double | m_work [m_n_work][m_Nq] |
Vector2d | m_work2 [m_n_work][m_Nq] |
fem::Q1Element3Face | m_face4 |
fem::Q1Element3Face | m_face100 |
IceBasalResistancePlasticLaw * | m_basal_sliding_law |
std::shared_ptr< rheology::FlowLaw > | m_flow_law |
EnthalpyConverter::Ptr | m_EC |
array::Vector2 | m_velocity |
array::Scalar | m_basal_frictional_heating |
double | m_e_factor |
| flow enhancement factor
const std::shared_ptr< const Grid > | m_grid |
| grid used by this component
const Config::ConstPtr | m_config |
| configuration database used by this component
const units::System::Ptr | m_sys |
| unit system used by this component
const Logger::ConstPtr | m_log |
| logger (for easy access)
static const int | m_Nq = 100 |
static const int | m_n_work = 9 |