PISM, A Parallel Ice Sheet Model  stable v2.1.1 committed by Constantine Khrulev on 2024-12-04 13:36:58 -0900
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2004-2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Jed Brown, Ed Bueler and Constantine Khroulev
2 //
3 // This file is part of PISM.
4 //
5 // PISM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
6 // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
7 // Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
8 // version.
9 //
10 // PISM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
11 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
13 // details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with PISM; if not, write to the Free Software
17 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 #include <algorithm> // std::sort
20 #include <cmath> // std::floor
21 #include <cassert>
23 #include "pism/icemodel/IceModel.hh"
24 #include "pism/util/Grid.hh"
25 #include "pism/util/ConfigInterface.hh"
26 #include "pism/util/Time.hh"
27 #include "pism/util/MaxTimestep.hh"
28 #include "pism/stressbalance/StressBalance.hh"
29 #include "pism/util/Component.hh" // ...->max_timestep()
31 #include "pism/frontretreat/calving/EigenCalving.hh"
32 #include "pism/frontretreat/calving/HayhurstCalving.hh"
33 #include "pism/frontretreat/calving/vonMisesCalving.hh"
34 #include "pism/frontretreat/FrontRetreat.hh"
36 #include "pism/coupler/FrontalMelt.hh"
38 namespace pism {
40 //! Compute the maximum time step allowed by the diffusive SIA.
41 /*!
42 If maximum diffusivity is positive (i.e. if there is diffusion going on) then
43 updates dt.
45 Note adapt_ratio * 2 is multiplied by dx^2/(2*maxD) so dt <= adapt_ratio *
46 dx^2/maxD (if dx=dy).
48 Reference: [\ref MortonMayers] pp 62--63.
49  */
51  double D_max = m_stress_balance->max_diffusivity();
53  double dx = m_grid->dx(), dy = m_grid->dy(),
54  adaptive_timestepping_ratio = m_config->get_number("time_stepping.adaptive_ratio");
56  auto dt_diffusivity = ::pism::max_timestep_diffusivity(D_max, dx, dy, adaptive_timestepping_ratio);
58  MaxTimestep dt_max(m_config->get_number("time_stepping.maximum_time_step", "seconds"),
59  "max time step");
61  return std::min(dt_diffusivity, dt_max);
62 }
64 /** @brief Compute the skip counter using "long" (usually determined
65  * using the CFL stability criterion) and "short" (typically
66  * determined using the diffusivity-based stability criterion) time
67  * step lengths.
68  *
69  *
70  * @param[in] dt "long" time-step
71  * @param[in] dt_diffusivity "short" time-step
72  *
73  * @return new skip counter
74  */
75 unsigned int IceModel::skip_counter(double dt, double dt_diffusivity) {
77  if (not m_config->get_flag("time_stepping.skip.enabled")) {
78  return 0;
79  }
81  const int skip_max = static_cast<int>(m_config->get_number("time_stepping.skip.max"));
83  if (dt_diffusivity > 0.0) {
84  const double conservative_factor = 0.95;
85  const double counter = floor(conservative_factor * (dt / dt_diffusivity));
86  return std::min(static_cast<int>(counter), skip_max);
87  }
89  return skip_max;
90 }
92 //! Use various stability criteria to determine the time step for an evolution run.
93 /*!
94 The main loop in run() approximates many physical processes. Several of these approximations,
95 including the mass continuity and temperature equations in particular, involve stability
96 criteria. This procedure builds the length of the next time step by using these criteria and
97 by incorporating choices made by options (e.g. `-max_dt`) and by derived classes.
99 @param[in] counter current time-step skipping counter
100  */
103  const double current_time = m_time->current();
105  std::vector<MaxTimestep> restrictions;
107  // get time-stepping restrictions from sub-models
108  for (auto m : m_submodels) {
109  restrictions.push_back(m.second->max_timestep(current_time));
110  }
112  // mechanisms that use a retreat rate
113  bool front_retreat =
115  if (front_retreat and m_config->get_flag("geometry.front_retreat.use_cfl")) {
116  // at least one of front retreat mechanisms is active *and* PISM is told to use a CFL
117  // restriction
119  array::Scalar &retreat_rate = *m_work2d[0];
120  retreat_rate.set(0.0);
122  if (m_eigen_calving) {
123  retreat_rate.add(1.0, m_eigen_calving->calving_rate());
124  }
126  if (m_hayhurst_calving) {
127  retreat_rate.add(1.0, m_hayhurst_calving->calving_rate());
128  }
130  if (m_vonmises_calving) {
131  retreat_rate.add(1.0, m_vonmises_calving->calving_rate());
132  }
134  if (m_frontal_melt) {
135  retreat_rate.add(1.0, m_frontal_melt->retreat_rate());
136  }
138  assert(m_front_retreat);
140  restrictions.push_back(
141  m_front_retreat->max_timestep(m_geometry.cell_type, m_ice_thickness_bc_mask, retreat_rate));
142  }
144  const char *end = "end of the run";
145  const char *max = "max";
147  // Always consider the maximum allowed time-step length.
148  double max_timestep = m_config->get_number("time_stepping.maximum_time_step", "seconds");
149  if (max_timestep > 0.0) {
150  restrictions.push_back(MaxTimestep(max_timestep, max));
151  }
153  // Never go past the end of a run.
154  const double time_to_end = m_time->end() - current_time;
155  if (time_to_end > 0.0) {
156  restrictions.push_back(MaxTimestep(time_to_end, end));
157  }
159  // reporting
160  {
161  restrictions.push_back(ts_max_timestep(current_time));
162  restrictions.push_back(extras_max_timestep(current_time));
163  restrictions.push_back(save_max_timestep(current_time));
164  }
166  // mass continuity stability criteria
167  if (m_config->get_flag("geometry.update.enabled")) {
168  auto cfl = m_stress_balance->max_timestep_cfl_2d();
170  restrictions.push_back(MaxTimestep(cfl.dt_max.value(), "2D CFL"));
171  restrictions.push_back(max_timestep_diffusivity());
172  }
174  // sort time step restrictions to find the strictest one
175  std::sort(restrictions.begin(), restrictions.end());
177  // note that restrictions has at least 2 elements
178  // the first element is the max time step we can take
179  assert(restrictions.size() >= 2);
180  auto dt_max = restrictions[0];
181  auto dt_other = restrictions[1];
183  TimesteppingInfo result;
184  result.dt = dt_max.value();
185  result.reason = (dt_max.description() + " (overrides " + dt_other.description() + ")");
186  result.skip_counter = 0;
188  double resolution = m_config->get_number("time_stepping.resolution", "seconds");
190  // Hit all multiples of X years, if requested.
191  {
192  int year_increment = static_cast<int>(m_config->get_number("time_stepping.hit_multiples"));
193  if (year_increment > 0) {
194  auto next_time = m_time->increment_date(m_timestep_hit_multiples_last_time,
195  year_increment);
197  if (std::fabs(current_time - next_time) < resolution) {
198  // the current time is a multiple of year_increment
199  m_timestep_hit_multiples_last_time = current_time;
200  next_time = m_time->increment_date(current_time, year_increment);
201  }
203  auto dt = next_time - current_time;
204  assert(dt > resolution);
206  if (dt < result.dt) {
207  result.dt = dt;
208  result.reason = pism::printf("hit multiples of %d years (overrides %s)",
209  year_increment, dt_max.description().c_str());
210  }
211  }
212  }
214  // the "skipping" mechanism
215  {
216  if (dt_max.description() == "diffusivity" and counter == 0) {
217  result.skip_counter = skip_counter(dt_other.value(), dt_max.value());
218  } else {
219  result.skip_counter = counter;
220  }
222  // "max" and "end of the run" limit the "big" time-step (in
223  // the context of the "skipping" mechanism), so we might need to
224  // reset the skip_counter_result to 1.
225  if (member(dt_max.description(), {max, end}) and counter > 1) {
226  result.skip_counter = 1;
227  }
228  }
230  if (resolution > 0.0) {
231  double dt = std::floor(result.dt * resolution) / resolution;
233  // Ensure that the resulting time step is never zero. This may happen if the length of
234  // the run is not an integer multiple of "resolution".
235  if (dt >= resolution) {
236  result.dt = dt;
237  }
238  }
240  return result;
241 }
243 } // end of namespace pism
array::CellType2 cell_type
Definition: Geometry.hh:55
std::map< std::string, const Component * > m_submodels
the list of sub-models, for writing model states and obtaining diagnostics
Definition: IceModel.hh:259
MaxTimestep extras_max_timestep(double my_t)
Computes the maximum time-step we can take and still hit all -extra_times.
Definition: output_extra.cc:33
std::shared_ptr< stressbalance::StressBalance > m_stress_balance
Definition: IceModel.hh:397
const Config::Ptr m_config
Configuration flags and parameters.
Definition: IceModel.hh:243
const Time::Ptr m_time
Time manager.
Definition: IceModel.hh:251
Geometry m_geometry
Definition: IceModel.hh:295
double m_timestep_hit_multiples_last_time
Definition: IceModel.hh:467
std::shared_ptr< frontalmelt::FrontalMelt > m_frontal_melt
Definition: IceModel.hh:288
virtual unsigned int skip_counter(double input_dt, double input_dt_diffusivity)
Compute the skip counter using "long" (usually determined using the CFL stability criterion) and "sho...
Definition: timestepping.cc:75
virtual MaxTimestep max_timestep_diffusivity()
Compute the maximum time step allowed by the diffusive SIA.
Definition: timestepping.cc:50
MaxTimestep ts_max_timestep(double my_t)
Computes the maximum time-step we can take and still hit all -ts_times.
Definition: output_ts.cc:108
std::shared_ptr< calving::EigenCalving > m_eigen_calving
Definition: IceModel.hh:275
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar2 > > m_work2d
Definition: IceModel.hh:393
double dt() const
Definition: IceModel.cc:140
std::shared_ptr< calving::HayhurstCalving > m_hayhurst_calving
Definition: IceModel.hh:276
array::Scalar1 m_ice_thickness_bc_mask
Mask prescribing locations where ice thickness is held constant.
Definition: IceModel.hh:314
MaxTimestep save_max_timestep(double my_t)
Computes the maximum time-step we can take and still hit all -save_times.
Definition: output_save.cc:28
std::shared_ptr< calving::vonMisesCalving > m_vonmises_calving
Definition: IceModel.hh:277
const std::shared_ptr< Grid > m_grid
Computational grid.
Definition: IceModel.hh:241
virtual TimesteppingInfo max_timestep(unsigned int counter)
Use various stability criteria to determine the time step for an evolution run.
std::shared_ptr< FrontRetreat > m_front_retreat
Definition: IceModel.hh:284
Combines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to...
Definition: MaxTimestep.hh:31
void add(double alpha, const Array2D< T > &x)
Definition: Array2D.hh:65
void set(double c)
Result: v[j] <- c for all j.
Definition: Array.cc:707
double max(const array::Scalar &input)
Finds maximum over all the values in an array::Scalar object. Ignores ghosts.
Definition: Scalar.cc:165
double min(const array::Scalar &input)
Finds minimum over all the values in an array::Scalar object. Ignores ghosts.
Definition: Scalar.cc:193
std::string printf(const char *format,...)
bool member(const std::string &string, const std::set< std::string > &set)
MaxTimestep max_timestep_diffusivity(double D_max, double dx, double dy, double adaptive_timestepping_ratio)