class | TendencyOfWaterMass |
class | TotalInputRate |
| Report water input rate from the ice surface into the subglacial water system. More...
class | WaterInputFlux |
| Report water flux due to input (basal melt and drainage from the surface). More...
class | SubglacialWaterFlux |
| Report advective subglacial water flux. More...
class | GroundedMarginFlux |
| Report water flux at the grounded margin. More...
class | GroundingLineFlux |
| Report subglacial water flux at grounding lines. More...
class | ConservationErrorFlux |
| Report subglacial water conservation error flux (mass added to preserve non-negativity). More...
class | DomainBoundaryFlux |
| Report subglacial water flux at domain boundary (in regional model configurations). More...
class | TendencyOfWaterMassDueToFlow |
| Report water flux at the grounded margin. More...
class | BasalWaterPressure |
| Reports the pressure of the transportable water in the subglacial layer. More...
class | RelativeBasalWaterPressure |
| Reports the pressure of the transportable water in the subglacial layer as a fraction of the overburden pressure. More...
class | EffectiveBasalWaterPressure |
| Reports the effective pressure of the transportable water in the subglacial layer, that is, the overburden pressure minus the pressure. More...
class | WallMelt |
| Report the wall melt rate from dissipation of the potential energy of the transportable water. More...
class | BasalWaterVelocity |
| Diagnostically reports the staggered-grid components of the velocity of the water in the subglacial layer. More...
class | HydraulicPotential |
| Report hydraulic potential in the subglacial hydrology system. More...