23#include "pism/coupler/OceanModel.hh"
30 Cache(std::shared_ptr<const Grid>
g, std::shared_ptr<OceanModel> in);
Combines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to...
double m_update_interval_years
void update_impl(const Geometry &geometry, double my_t, double my_dt)
const array::Scalar & shelf_base_temperature_impl() const
MaxTimestep max_timestep_impl(double t) const
std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar > m_shelf_base_mass_flux
void init_impl(const Geometry &geometry)
const array::Scalar & shelf_base_mass_flux_impl() const
double m_next_update_time
std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar > m_shelf_base_temperature
const array::Scalar & average_water_column_pressure_impl() const
A very rudimentary PISM ocean model.
bool ocean(int M)
An ocean cell (floating ice or ice-free).