23 #include "pism/util/MaxTimestep.hh"
70 double adaptive_timestepping_ratio);
Combines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to...
A virtual class collecting methods common to ice and bedrock 3D fields.
"Cell type" mask. Adds convenience methods to array::Scalar.
CFLData max_timestep_cfl_2d(const array::Scalar &ice_thickness, const array::CellType &cell_type, const array::Vector &velocity)
Compute the CFL constant associated to first-order upwinding for the sliding contribution to mass con...
CFLData max_timestep_cfl_3d(const array::Scalar &ice_thickness, const array::CellType &cell_type, const array::Array3D &u3, const array::Array3D &v3, const array::Array3D &w3)
Compute the maximum velocities for time-stepping and reporting to user.
MaxTimestep max_timestep_diffusivity(double D_max, double dx, double dy, double adaptive_timestepping_ratio)