Weertman-style sliding law


This kind of sliding is, in general, a bad idea. We implement it to simplify comparisons of the “hybrid” model mentioned above to older studies using this parameterization.

The “Weertman-type sliding law” ([55], equations 5.35 and 5.91) has the form

\[\begin{split}\mathbf{u}_s = \begin{cases} \mathbf{0}, & T_b < T_m, \\ -C_b(\rho g H)^{p-q}|\nabla h|^{p-1}\nabla h, & T_b = T_m, \end{cases}\end{split}\]

\(T_b\) is the ice temperature, and \(T_m\) is the pressure-melting temperature. The constant \(C_b\) and exponents \(p\) and \(q\) are tuning parameters.

The particular form implemented in PISM comes from equation 5 in [71]:

(6)\[\mathbf{u}_s = -\frac{2 A_s \beta_c (\rho g H)^{n}}{N - P} |\nabla h|^{n-1} \nabla h.\]
Table 12 Notation used in (6)




ice thickness


ice surface elevation


flow law exponent


acceleration due to gravity


ice density


ice overburden pressure, \(N = \rho g H\)


basal water pressure


sliding parameter


“constriction parameter” capturing the effect of valley walls on the flow; set to \(1\) in this implementation

We assume that the basal water pressure is a given constant fraction of the overburden pressure: \(P = k N\). This simplifies (6) to

\[\mathbf{u}_s = -\frac{2 A_s}{1 - k} ( \rho g H\, |\nabla h| )^{n-1} \nabla h.\]

This parameterization is used for grounded ice where the base of the ice is temperate.

To enable, use -stress_balance weertman_sliding (this results in constant-in-depth ice velocity) or -stress_balance weertman_sliding+sia to use this parameterization as a sliding law with the deformational flow modeled using the SIA model.

Use configuration parameters stress_balance­.weertman_sliding­.k and stress_balance­.weertman_sliding­.A to set \(k\) and \(A_s\), respectively. Default values come from [71].


Prefix: stress_balance.weertman_sliding.

  1. A (1.8e-16 Pa^-3 year^-1 m^-2) Sliding parameter in the Weertman-style sliding parameterization [71]

  2. k (0.2) The ratio of the basal water pressure and the ice overburden pressure in the Weertman-style sliding parameterization.

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