24#include "pism/coupler/surface/DEBMSimplePointwise.hh"
25#include "pism/coupler/SurfaceModel.hh"
42 std::shared_ptr<atmosphere::AtmosphereModel> input);
const Time & time() const
High-level PISM I/O class.
Combines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to...
A dEBM-simple implementation.
array::Scalar m_insolation_driven_melt
total insolation melt during the last time step
const array::Scalar & atmosphere_transmissivity() const
virtual const array::Scalar & mass_flux_impl() const
std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar > m_melt
total melt during the last time step
virtual void update_impl(const Geometry &geometry, double t, double dt)
double snow_accumulation(double T, double P) const
Extracts snow accumulation from mixed (snow and rain) precipitation using a temperature threshold wit...
const array::Scalar & insolation_driven_melt() const
const array::Scalar & surface_albedo() const
array::Scalar m_surface_albedo
albedo field
array::Scalar m_mass_flux
cached surface mass balance rate
std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar > m_runoff
total runoff during the last time step
array::Scalar m_temperature_driven_melt
total temperature melt during the last time step
const array::Scalar & air_temp_sd() const
array::Scalar m_snow_depth
snow depth (reset once a year)
virtual void define_model_state_impl(const File &output) const
The default (empty implementation).
std::shared_ptr< array::Forcing > m_air_temp_sd
standard deviation of the daily variability of the air temperature
virtual void write_model_state_impl(const File &output) const
The default (empty implementation).
double m_Tmax
the temperature above which all precipitation is rain
double m_next_balance_year_start
const array::Scalar & runoff_impl() const
unsigned int m_n_per_year
number of small time steps per year
array::Scalar m_transmissivity
transmissivity field
double compute_next_balance_year_start(double time)
virtual ~DEBMSimple()=default
std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar > m_accumulation
total accumulation during the last time step
unsigned int timeseries_length(double dt) const
The number of points for temperature and precipitation time-series.
DEBMSimplePointwise m_model
virtual DiagnosticList diagnostics_impl() const
const array::Scalar & offset_melt() const
const array::Scalar & accumulation_impl() const
const array::Scalar & snow_depth() const
const array::Scalar & temperature_driven_melt() const
virtual MaxTimestep max_timestep_impl(double t) const
const array::Scalar & melt_impl() const
array::Scalar m_offset_melt
total offset_melt during the last timestep
virtual void init_impl(const Geometry &geometry)
double m_Tmin
the temperature below which all precipitation is snow
std::shared_ptr< array::Scalar > m_temperature
const DEBMSimplePointwise & pointwise_model() const
std::shared_ptr< array::Forcing > m_input_albedo
if albedo is given as input field
virtual const array::Scalar & temperature_impl() const
bool m_precip_as_snow
interpret all the precipitation as snow (no rain)
A class implementing a temperature-index (positive degree-day) scheme to compute melt and runoff,...
The interface of PISM's surface models.
std::map< std::string, Diagnostic::Ptr > DiagnosticList