virtual void | allocate_submodels () |
| Allocate PISM's sub-models implementing some physical processes.
virtual void | allocate_stressbalance () |
| Decide which stress balance model to use.
virtual void | allocate_age_model () |
virtual void | allocate_isochrones () |
virtual void | allocate_bed_deformation () |
virtual void | allocate_bedrock_thermal_unit () |
| Decide which bedrock thermal unit to use.
virtual void | allocate_energy_model () |
virtual void | allocate_subglacial_hydrology () |
| Decide which subglacial hydrology model to use.
virtual void | allocate_basal_yield_stress () |
| Decide which basal yield stress model to use.
virtual void | allocate_couplers () |
virtual void | allocate_geometry_evolution () |
virtual void | allocate_iceberg_remover () |
virtual stressbalance::Inputs | stress_balance_inputs () |
virtual energy::Inputs | energy_model_inputs () |
virtual YieldStressInputs | yield_stress_inputs () |
virtual void | time_setup () |
| Initialize time from an input file or command-line options.
virtual void | model_state_setup () |
| Sets the starting values of model state variables.
virtual void | misc_setup () |
| Miscellaneous initialization tasks plus tasks that need the fields that can come from regridding.
virtual void | init_diagnostics () |
virtual void | init_calving () |
| Initialize calving mechanisms.
virtual void | init_frontal_melt () |
virtual void | init_front_retreat () |
virtual void | prune_diagnostics () |
virtual void | update_diagnostics (double dt) |
virtual void | reset_diagnostics () |
virtual void | step (bool do_mass_continuity, bool do_skip) |
| The contents of the main PISM time-step.
virtual void | pre_step_hook () |
| Virtual. Does nothing in IceModel . Derived classes can do more computation in each time step.
virtual void | post_step_hook () |
| Virtual. Does nothing in IceModel . Derived classes can do more computation in each time step.
void | reset_counters () |
virtual void | bootstrap_2d (const File &input_file) |
virtual void | process_options () |
virtual std::set< std::string > | output_variables (const std::string &keyword) |
| Assembles a list of diagnostics corresponding to an output file size.
virtual void | compute_lat_lon () |
virtual void | restart_2d (const File &input_file, unsigned int record) |
| Initialize 2D model state fields managed by IceModel from a file (for re-starting).
virtual void | initialize_2d () |
virtual void | save_variables (const File &file, OutputKind kind, const std::set< std::string > &variables, double time, io::Type default_diagnostics_type=io::PISM_FLOAT) const |
virtual void | define_model_state (const File &file) const |
virtual void | write_model_state (const File &file) const |
virtual void | write_metadata (const File &file, MappingTreatment mapping_flag, HistoryTreatment history_flag) const |
| Write time-independent metadata to a file.
virtual void | define_diagnostics (const File &file, const std::set< std::string > &variables, io::Type default_type) const |
virtual void | write_diagnostics (const File &file, const std::set< std::string > &variables) const |
| Writes variables listed in vars to filename, using nctype to write fields stored in dedicated Arrays.
std::string | save_state_on_error (const std::string &suffix, const std::set< std::string > &additional_variables) |
virtual void | allocate_storage () |
| Allocate all Arrays defined in IceModel.
virtual TimesteppingInfo | max_timestep (unsigned int counter) |
| Use various stability criteria to determine the time step for an evolution run.
virtual MaxTimestep | max_timestep_diffusivity () |
| Compute the maximum time step allowed by the diffusive SIA.
virtual unsigned int | skip_counter (double input_dt, double input_dt_diffusivity) |
| Compute the skip counter using "long" (usually determined using the CFL stability criterion) and "short" (typically determined using the diffusivity-based stability criterion) time step lengths.
virtual void | bedrock_thermal_model_step () |
virtual void | energy_step () |
| Manage the solution of the energy equation, and related parallel communication.
virtual void | hydrology_step () |
virtual void | combine_basal_melt_rate (const Geometry &geometry, const array::Scalar &shelf_base_mass_flux, const array::Scalar &grounded_basal_melt_rate, array::Scalar &result) |
| Combine basal melt rate in grounded and floating areas.
void | enforce_consistency_of_geometry (ConsistencyFlag flag) |
| Update the surface elevation and the flow-type mask when the geometry has changed.
void | identify_open_ocean (const array::CellType &cell_type, array::Scalar1 &result) |
virtual void | front_retreat_step () |
void | compute_geometry_change (const array::Scalar &thickness, const array::Scalar &Href, const array::Scalar &thickness_old, const array::Scalar &Href_old, bool add_values, array::Scalar &output) |
virtual void | regrid () |
| Manage regridding based on user options.
virtual void | update_fracture_density () |
virtual double | compute_temperate_base_fraction (double ice_area) |
virtual double | compute_original_ice_fraction (double ice_volume) |
virtual void | print_summary (bool tempAndAge) |
virtual void | print_summary_line (bool printPrototype, bool tempAndAge, double delta_t, double volume, double area, double meltfrac, double max_diffusivity) |
| Print a line to stdout which summarizes the state of the modeled ice sheet at the end of the time step.
virtual int | process_signals () |
| Catch signals -USR1, -USR2 and -TERM.
virtual void | prepend_history (const std::string &string) |
| Get time and user/host name and add it to the given string.
VariableMetadata | run_stats () const |
void | init_snapshots () |
| Initializes the snapshot-saving mechanism.
void | write_snapshot () |
| Writes a snapshot of the model state (if necessary)
MaxTimestep | save_max_timestep (double my_t) |
| Computes the maximum time-step we can take and still hit all -save_times .
void | init_timeseries () |
| Initializes the code writing scalar time-series.
void | flush_timeseries () |
| Flush scalar time-series.
MaxTimestep | ts_max_timestep (double my_t) |
| Computes the maximum time-step we can take and still hit all -ts_times .
void | init_extras () |
| Initialize the code saving spatially-variable diagnostic quantities.
void | write_extras () |
| Write spatially-variable diagnostic quantities.
MaxTimestep | extras_max_timestep (double my_t) |
| Computes the maximum time-step we can take and still hit all -extra_times .
void | init_checkpoints () |
| Initialize checkpointing (snapshot-on-wallclock-time) mechanism.
bool | write_checkpoint () |
| Write a checkpoint (i.e. an intermediate result of a run).
virtual void | update_viewers () |
| Update the runtime graphical viewers.
virtual void | view_field (const array::Array *field) |