PISM, A Parallel Ice Sheet Model 2.2.0-cb3567278 committed by Constantine Khrulev on 2025-03-05
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Namespaces | Classes | Functions
pism::surface Namespace Reference

Surface models and modifiers: provide top-surface temperature, mass flux, liquid water fraction, mass and thickness of the surface layer. More...


namespace  diagnostics


class  Anomaly
 Reads and uses climatic_mass_balance and ice_surface_temp anomalies from a file. More...
class  Cache
class  DEBMSimple
 A class implementing a temperature-index (positive degree-day) scheme to compute melt and runoff, and thus surface mass balance, from precipitation and air temperature. More...
struct  DEBMSimpleChanges
struct  DEBMSimpleMelt
struct  DEBMSimpleOrbitalParameters
class  DEBMSimplePointwise
 A dEBM-simple implementation. More...
class  Delta_T
 Implements the scalar temperature offsets for the ice surface temperature. More...
class  Elevation
 A class implementing a elevation-dependent temperature and mass balance model. More...
class  ElevationChange
class  Factory
class  FaustoGrevePDDObject
class  ForceThickness
class  Given
class  InitializationHelper
class  ISMIP6
class  LocalMassBalance
 Base class for a model which computes surface mass flux rate (ice thickness per time) from precipitation and temperature. More...
class  NoGLRetreat
class  PDDMassBalance
 A PDD implementation which computes the local mass balance based on an expectation integral. More...
class  PDDrandMassBalance
 An alternative PDD implementation which simulates a random process to get the number of PDDs. More...
class  PIK
 A class implementing a constant-in-time surface model for the surface mass balance. More...
class  PSFormulas
class  Simple
 A class implementing a primitive surface model. More...
class  SurfaceModel
 The interface of PISM's surface models. More...
class  TemperatureIndex
 A class implementing a temperature-index (positive degree-day) scheme to compute melt and runoff, and thus surface mass balance, from precipitation and air temperature. More...
class  Verification
 Climate inputs for verification tests. More...


static double CalovGreveIntegrand (double sigma, double TacC)
 Compute the integrand in integral (6) in [CalovGreve05].

Detailed Description

Surface models and modifiers: provide top-surface temperature, mass flux, liquid water fraction, mass and thickness of the surface layer.