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PISM, A Parallel Ice Sheet Model  stable v2.1.1 committed by Constantine Khrulev on 2024-12-04 13:36:58 -0900
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1 // Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Ed Bueler and Constantine Khroulev
2 //
3 // This file is part of PISM.
4 //
5 // PISM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
6 // terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
7 // Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
8 // version.
9 //
10 // PISM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
11 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
12 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
13 // details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with PISM; if not, write to the Free Software
17 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
19 static char help[] =
20  "\nSIAFD_TEST\n"
21  " Testing program for SIA, time-independent calculations separate from\n"
22  " IceModel. Uses verification test F. Also may be used in a PISM software"
23  "(regression) test.\n\n";
25 #include "pism/stressbalance/sia/SIAFD.hh"
26 #include "pism/util/EnthalpyConverter.hh"
27 #include "pism/stressbalance/StressBalance.hh"
28 #include "pism/stressbalance/SSB_Modifier.hh"
29 #include "pism/stressbalance/ShallowStressBalance.hh"
30 #include "pism/util/Grid.hh"
31 #include "pism/util/Mask.hh"
32 #include "pism/util/Context.hh"
33 #include "pism/util/Time.hh"
34 #include "pism/util/error_handling.hh"
35 #include "pism/util/io/File.hh"
36 #include "pism/util/petscwrappers/PetscInitializer.hh"
37 #include "pism/util/pism_utilities.hh"
38 #include "pism/util/pism_options.hh"
39 #include "pism/verification/tests/exactTestsFG.hh"
40 #include "pism/util/io/io_helpers.hh"
41 #include "pism/geometry/Geometry.hh"
43 namespace pism {
45 static void compute_strain_heating_errors(const array::Array3D &strain_heating,
46  const array::Scalar &thickness,
47  const Grid &grid,
48  double &gmax_strain_heating_err,
49  double &gav_strain_heating_err) {
50  double max_strain_heating_error = 0.0, av_strain_heating_error = 0.0, avcount = 0.0;
51  const int Mz = grid.Mz();
53  const double LforFG = 750000; // m
55  const double
56  ice_rho = grid.ctx()->config()->get_number("constants.ice.density"),
57  ice_c = grid.ctx()->config()->get_number("constants.ice.specific_heat_capacity");
59  array::AccessScope list{&thickness, &strain_heating};
61  ParallelSection loop(grid.com);
62  try {
63  for (auto p = grid.points(); p; p.next()) {
64  const int i = p.i(), j = p.j();
66  double
67  xx = grid.x(i),
68  yy = grid.y(j),
69  r = sqrt(pow(xx, 2) + pow(yy, 2));
71  if ((r >= 1.0) && (r <= LforFG - 1.0)) {
72  // only evaluate error if inside sheet and not at central
73  // singularity
74  TestFGParameters F = exactFG(0.0, r, grid.z(), 0.0);
76  for (int k = 0; k < Mz; k++) {
77  F.Sig[k] *= ice_rho * ice_c; // scale exact strain_heating to J/(s m^3)
78  }
79  const int ks = grid.kBelowHeight(thickness(i, j));
80  const double *strain_heating_ij = strain_heating.get_column(i, j);
81  for (int k = 0; k < ks; k++) { // only eval error if below num surface
82  const double _strain_heating_error = fabs(strain_heating_ij[k] - F.Sig[k]);
83  max_strain_heating_error = std::max(max_strain_heating_error, _strain_heating_error);
84  avcount += 1.0;
85  av_strain_heating_error += _strain_heating_error;
86  }
87  }
88  }
89  } catch (...) {
90  loop.failed();
91  }
92  loop.check();
94  gmax_strain_heating_err = GlobalMax(grid.com, max_strain_heating_error);
95  gav_strain_heating_err = GlobalSum(grid.com, av_strain_heating_error);
96  double gavcount = GlobalSum(grid.com, avcount);
97  gav_strain_heating_err = gav_strain_heating_err/std::max(gavcount,1.0); // avoid div by zero
98 }
101 static void computeSurfaceVelocityErrors(const Grid &grid,
102  const array::Scalar &ice_thickness,
103  const array::Array3D &u3,
104  const array::Array3D &v3,
105  const array::Array3D &w3,
106  double &gmaxUerr,
107  double &gavUerr,
108  double &gmaxWerr,
109  double &gavWerr) {
110  double maxUerr = 0.0, maxWerr = 0.0, avUerr = 0.0, avWerr = 0.0;
112  const double LforFG = 750000; // m
114  array::AccessScope list{&ice_thickness, &u3, &v3, &w3};
116  for (auto p = grid.points(); p; p.next()) {
117  const int i = p.i(), j = p.j();
119  double xx = grid.x(i), yy = grid.y(j),
120  r = sqrt(pow(xx, 2) + pow(yy, 2));
121  if ((r >= 1.0) && (r <= LforFG - 1.0)) { // only evaluate error if inside sheet
122  // and not at central singularity
123  const double H = ice_thickness(i, j);
124  std::vector<double> z(1, H);
125  TestFGParameters F = exactFG(0.0, r, z, 0.0);
127  const double uex = (xx/r) * F.U[0];
128  const double vex = (yy/r) * F.U[0];
129  // note that because interpolate does linear interpolation and H is not exactly at
130  // a grid point, this causes nonzero errors
131  const double Uerr = sqrt(pow(u3.interpolate(i,j,H) - uex, 2) +
132  pow(v3.interpolate(i,j,H) - vex, 2));
133  maxUerr = std::max(maxUerr,Uerr);
134  avUerr += Uerr;
135  const double Werr = fabs(w3.interpolate(i,j,H) - F.w[0]);
136  maxWerr = std::max(maxWerr,Werr);
137  avWerr += Werr;
138  }
139  }
141  gmaxUerr = GlobalMax(grid.com, maxUerr);
142  gmaxWerr = GlobalMax(grid.com, maxWerr);
143  gavUerr = GlobalSum(grid.com, avUerr);
144  gavUerr = gavUerr/(grid.Mx()*grid.My());
145  gavWerr = GlobalSum(grid.com, avWerr);
146  gavWerr = gavWerr/(grid.Mx()*grid.My());
147 }
151  const Grid &grid,
152  const array::Scalar &thickness,
153  const array::Array3D &temperature,
154  array::Array3D &enthalpy) {
156  array::AccessScope list{&temperature, &enthalpy, &thickness};
158  for (auto p = grid.points(); p; p.next()) {
159  const int i = p.i(), j = p.j();
161  const double *T_ij = temperature.get_column(i,j);
162  double *E_ij = enthalpy.get_column(i,j);
164  for (unsigned int k=0; k<grid.Mz(); ++k) {
165  double depth = thickness(i,j) - grid.z(k);
166  E_ij[k] = EC.enthalpy_permissive(T_ij[k], 0.0,
167  EC.pressure(depth));
168  }
170  }
172  enthalpy.update_ghosts();
173 }
176 //! \brief Set the test F initial state.
177 static void setInitStateF(Grid &grid,
178  EnthalpyConverter &EC,
179  array::Scalar &bed,
180  array::Scalar &mask,
181  array::Scalar &surface,
182  array::Scalar &thickness,
183  array::Array3D &enthalpy) {
185  double
186  ST = 1.67e-5,
187  Tmin = 223.15, // K
188  LforFG = 750000; // m
190  bed.set(0.0);
191  mask.set(MASK_GROUNDED);
193  array::AccessScope list{&thickness, &enthalpy};
195  for (auto p = grid.points(); p; p.next()) {
196  const int i = p.i(), j = p.j();
198  const double
199  r = std::max(grid::radius(grid, i, j), 1.0), // avoid singularity at origin
200  Ts = Tmin + ST * r;
202  if (r > LforFG - 1.0) { // if (essentially) outside of sheet
203  thickness(i, j) = 0.0;
204  enthalpy.set_column(i, j, Ts);
205  } else {
206  TestFGParameters F = exactFG(0.0, r, grid.z(), 0.0);
208  thickness(i, j) = F.H;
209  enthalpy.set_column(i, j, (F.T).data());
210  }
211  }
214  thickness.update_ghosts();
216  surface.copy_from(thickness);
218  enthalpy_from_temperature_cold(EC, grid, thickness, enthalpy,
219  enthalpy);
220 }
222 static void reportErrors(const Grid &grid,
223  units::System::Ptr unit_system,
224  const array::Scalar &thickness,
225  const array::Array3D &u_sia,
226  const array::Array3D &v_sia,
227  const array::Array3D &w_sia,
228  const array::Array3D &strain_heating) {
230  Logger::ConstPtr log = grid.ctx()->log();
232  // strain_heating errors if appropriate; reported in 10^6 J/(s m^3)
233  double max_strain_heating_error, av_strain_heating_error;
234  compute_strain_heating_errors(strain_heating, thickness,
235  grid,
236  max_strain_heating_error, av_strain_heating_error);
238  log->message(1,
239  "Sigma : maxSig avSig\n");
240  log->message(1, " %12.6f%12.6f\n",
241  max_strain_heating_error*1.0e6, av_strain_heating_error*1.0e6);
243  // surface velocity errors if exact values are available; reported in m year-1
244  double maxUerr, avUerr, maxWerr, avWerr;
245  computeSurfaceVelocityErrors(grid, thickness,
246  u_sia,
247  v_sia,
248  w_sia,
249  maxUerr, avUerr,
250  maxWerr, avWerr);
252  log->message(1,
253  "surf vels : maxUvec avUvec maxW avW\n");
254  log->message(1, " %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f\n",
255  units::convert(unit_system, maxUerr, "m second-1", "m year-1"),
256  units::convert(unit_system, avUerr, "m second-1", "m year-1"),
257  units::convert(unit_system, maxWerr, "m second-1", "m year-1"),
258  units::convert(unit_system, avWerr, "m second-1", "m year-1"));
259 }
261 } // end of namespace pism
263 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
265  using namespace pism;
266  using namespace pism::stressbalance;
268  MPI_Comm com = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
269  petsc::Initializer petsc(argc, argv, help);
271  com = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
273  /* This explicit scoping forces destructors to be called before PetscFinalize() */
274  try {
275  // set default verbosity
276  std::shared_ptr<Context> ctx = context_from_options(com, "siafd_test");
277  Config::Ptr config = ctx->config();
279  config->set_flag("stress_balance.sia.grain_size_age_coupling", false);
280  config->set_string("stress_balance.sia.flow_law", "arr");
282  set_config_from_options(ctx->unit_system(), *config);
283  config->resolve_filenames();
285  std::string usage = "\n"
286  "usage of SIAFD_TEST:\n"
287  " run siafd_test -Mx <number> -My <number> -Mz <number> -o foo.nc\n"
288  "\n";
290  bool stop = show_usage_check_req_opts(*ctx->log(), "siafd_test", {}, usage);
292  if (stop) {
293  return 0;
294  }
296  auto output_file = config->get_string("output.file");
298  grid::Parameters P(*config);
299  P.Lx = 900e3;
300  P.Ly = P.Lx;
303  double Lz = 4000.0;
304  unsigned int Mz = config->get_number("grid.Mz");
307  P.ownership_ranges_from_options(ctx->size());
309  // create grid and set defaults
310  std::shared_ptr<Grid> grid(new Grid(ctx, P));
311  grid->report_parameters();
315  const int WIDE_STENCIL = config->get_number("grid.max_stencil_width");
318  enthalpy(grid, "enthalpy", array::WITH_GHOSTS, grid->z(), WIDE_STENCIL),
319  age(grid, "age", array::WITHOUT_GHOSTS, grid->z());
321  Geometry geometry(grid);
322  geometry.sea_level_elevation.set(0.0);
324  // age of the ice; is not used here
325  age.metadata(0).long_name("age of the ice").units("s");
326  age.set(0.0);
328  // enthalpy in the ice
329  enthalpy.metadata(0)
330  .long_name("ice enthalpy (includes sensible heat, latent heat, pressure)")
331  .units("J kg-1");
332  //
333  enthalpy.set(EC->enthalpy(263.15, 0.0, EC->pressure(1000.0)));
335  // Create the SIA solver object:
337  // We use SIA_Nonsliding and not SIAFD here because we need the z-component
338  // of the ice velocity, which is computed using incompressibility of ice in
339  // StressBalance::compute_vertical_velocity().
340  std::shared_ptr<SIAFD> sia(new SIAFD(grid));
341  std::shared_ptr<ZeroSliding> no_sliding(new ZeroSliding(grid));
343  // stress_balance will de-allocate no_sliding and sia.
344  StressBalance stress_balance(grid, no_sliding, sia);
346  // fill the fields:
347  setInitStateF(*grid, *EC,
348  geometry.bed_elevation,
349  geometry.cell_type,
350  geometry.ice_surface_elevation,
351  geometry.ice_thickness,
352  enthalpy);
354  geometry.ensure_consistency(config->get_number("geometry.ice_free_thickness_standard"));
356  // Initialize the SIA solver:
357  stress_balance.init();
359  bool full_update = true;
361  stressbalance::Inputs inputs;
362  inputs.geometry = &geometry;
363  inputs.water_column_pressure = nullptr;
364  inputs.enthalpy = &enthalpy;
365  inputs.age = &age;
367  stress_balance.update(inputs, full_update);
369  // Report errors relative to the exact solution:
370  const array::Array3D
371  &u3 = stress_balance.velocity_u(),
372  &v3 = stress_balance.velocity_v(),
373  &w3 = stress_balance.velocity_w();
375  const array::Array3D &sigma = stress_balance.volumetric_strain_heating();
377  reportErrors(*grid, ctx->unit_system(),
378  geometry.ice_thickness, u3, v3, w3, sigma);
380  // Write results to an output file:
381  File file(grid->com, output_file, io::PISM_NETCDF3, io::PISM_READWRITE_MOVE);
382  io::define_time(file, *ctx);
383  io::append_time(file, *ctx->config(), ctx->time()->current());
385  geometry.ice_surface_elevation.write(file);
386  geometry.ice_thickness.write(file);
387  geometry.cell_type.write(file);
388  geometry.bed_elevation.write(file);
390  sia->diffusivity().write(file);
391  u3.write(file);
392  v3.write(file);
393  w3.write(file);
394  sigma.write(file);
395  }
396  catch (...) {
397  handle_fatal_errors(com);
398  return 1;
399  }
401  return 0;
402 }
An EnthalpyConverter for use in verification tests.
std::shared_ptr< Config > Ptr
std::shared_ptr< EnthalpyConverter > Ptr
double enthalpy_permissive(double T, double omega, double P) const
Compute enthalpy more permissively than enthalpy().
double pressure(double depth) const
Get pressure in ice from depth below surface using the hydrostatic assumption.
Converts between specific enthalpy and temperature or liquid content.
High-level PISM I/O class.
Definition: File.hh:56
array::Scalar1 sea_level_elevation
Definition: Geometry.hh:48
void ensure_consistency(double ice_free_thickness_threshold)
Definition: Geometry.cc:112
array::Scalar2 ice_surface_elevation
Definition: Geometry.hh:57
array::CellType2 cell_type
Definition: Geometry.hh:55
array::Scalar2 ice_thickness
Definition: Geometry.hh:51
array::Scalar2 bed_elevation
Definition: Geometry.hh:47
const std::vector< double > & x() const
Definition: Grid.cc:766
const std::vector< double > & y() const
Definition: Grid.cc:776
unsigned int kBelowHeight(double height) const
Return the index k into zlevels[] so that zlevels[k] <= height < zlevels[k+1] and k < Mz.
Definition: Grid.cc:291
unsigned int Mz() const
Number of vertical levels.
Definition: Grid.cc:761
PointsWithGhosts points(unsigned int stencil_width=0) const
Definition: Grid.hh:362
const std::vector< double > & z() const
Z-coordinates within the ice.
Definition: Grid.cc:786
unsigned int My() const
Total grid size in the Y direction.
Definition: Grid.cc:756
std::shared_ptr< const Context > ctx() const
Return execution context this grid corresponds to.
Definition: Grid.cc:683
unsigned int Mx() const
Total grid size in the X direction.
Definition: Grid.cc:751
const MPI_Comm com
Definition: Grid.hh:355
Describes the PISM grid and the distribution of data across processors.
Definition: Grid.hh:282
std::shared_ptr< const Logger > ConstPtr
Definition: Logger.hh:46
void failed()
Indicates a failure of a parallel section.
VariableMetadata & long_name(const std::string &input)
VariableMetadata & units(const std::string &input)
Makes sure that we call begin_access() and end_access() for all accessed array::Arrays.
Definition: Array.hh:65
void copy_from(const Array2D< T > &source)
Definition: Array2D.hh:73
double interpolate(int i, int j, double z) const
Return value of scalar quantity at level z (m) above base of ice (by linear interpolation).
Definition: Array3D.cc:88
void set_column(int i, int j, double c)
Set all values of scalar quantity to given a single value in a particular column.
Definition: Array3D.cc:49
double * get_column(int i, int j)
Definition: Array3D.cc:120
A virtual class collecting methods common to ice and bedrock 3D fields.
Definition: Array3D.hh:33
void write(const std::string &filename) const
Definition: Array.cc:800
void set(double c)
Result: v[j] <- c for all j.
Definition: Array.cc:707
void update_ghosts()
Updates ghost points.
Definition: Array.cc:693
SpatialVariableMetadata & metadata(unsigned int N=0)
Returns a reference to the SpatialVariableMetadata object containing metadata for the compoment N.
Definition: Array.cc:553
std::vector< double > z
Vertical levels.
Definition: Grid.hh:158
void ownership_ranges_from_options(unsigned int size)
Re-compute ownership ranges. Uses current values of Mx and My.
Definition: Grid.cc:1142
double Ly
Domain half-width in the Y direction.
Definition: Grid.hh:144
double Lx
Domain half-width in the X direction.
Definition: Grid.hh:142
void horizontal_size_from_options()
Process -Mx and -My; set Mx and My.
Definition: Grid.cc:1177
Grid parameters; used to collect defaults before an Grid is allocated.
Definition: Grid.hh:117
const array::Array3D * age
const array::Scalar * water_column_pressure
const array::Array3D * enthalpy
const array::Array3D & velocity_w() const
const array::Array3D & velocity_u() const
Get components of the the 3D velocity field.
void init()
Initialize the StressBalance object.
void update(const Inputs &inputs, bool full_update)
Update all the fields if (full_update), only update diffusive flux and max. diffusivity otherwise.
const array::Array3D & velocity_v() const
const array::Array3D & volumetric_strain_heating() const
The class defining PISM's interface to the shallow stress balance code.
Returns zero velocity field, zero friction heating, and zero for D^2.
std::shared_ptr< System > Ptr
Definition: Units.hh:47
const double Ts
Definition: exactTestK.c:39
double max(const array::Scalar &input)
Finds maximum over all the values in an array::Scalar object. Ignores ghosts.
Definition: Scalar.cc:165
Definition: Array.hh:62
Definition: Array.hh:62
static const double ST
static const double LforFG
static const double Tmin
double radius(const Grid &grid, int i, int j)
Returns the distance from the point (i,j) to the origin.
Definition: Grid.cc:1407
Definition: Grid.hh:50
std::vector< double > compute_vertical_levels(double new_Lz, unsigned int new_Mz, grid::VerticalSpacing spacing, double lambda)
Set the vertical levels in the ice according to values in Mz (number of levels), Lz (domain height),...
Definition: Grid.cc:879
void append_time(const File &file, const Config &config, double time_seconds)
Prepare a file for output.
Definition: io_helpers.cc:247
Definition: IO_Flags.hh:57
create a file for writing, move foo.nc to foo.nc~ if present
Definition: IO_Flags.hh:78
void define_time(const File &file, const Context &ctx)
Prepare a file for output.
Definition: io_helpers.cc:213
Stress balance models and related diagnostics.
Definition: Isochrones.hh:31
double convert(System::Ptr system, double input, const std::string &spec1, const std::string &spec2)
Convert a quantity from unit1 to unit2.
Definition: Units.cc:70
static double F(double SL, double B, double H, double alpha)
static void compute_strain_heating_errors(const array::Array3D &strain_heating, const array::Scalar &thickness, const Grid &grid, double &gmax_strain_heating_err, double &gav_strain_heating_err)
Definition: siafd_test.cc:45
std::shared_ptr< Context > context_from_options(MPI_Comm com, const std::string &prefix, bool print)
Create a default context using options.
Definition: Context.cc:170
static void computeSurfaceVelocityErrors(const Grid &grid, const array::Scalar &ice_thickness, const array::Array3D &u3, const array::Array3D &v3, const array::Array3D &w3, double &gmaxUerr, double &gavUerr, double &gmaxWerr, double &gavWerr)
Definition: siafd_test.cc:101
static void enthalpy_from_temperature_cold(EnthalpyConverter &EC, const Grid &grid, const array::Scalar &thickness, const array::Array3D &temperature, array::Array3D &enthalpy)
Definition: siafd_test.cc:150
void GlobalMax(MPI_Comm comm, double *local, double *result, int count)
static const double k
Definition: exactTestP.cc:42
TestFGParameters exactFG(double t, double r, const std::vector< double > &z, double Cp)
Definition: exactTestsFG.cc:38
Definition: Mask.hh:33
void handle_fatal_errors(MPI_Comm com)
void set_config_from_options(units::System::Ptr unit_system, Config &config)
Set configuration parameters using command-line options.
bool show_usage_check_req_opts(const Logger &log, const std::string &execname, const std::vector< std::string > &required_options, const std::string &usage)
In a single call a driver program can provide a usage string to the user and check if required option...
Definition: pism_options.cc:51
static void reportErrors(const Grid &grid, units::System::Ptr unit_system, const array::Scalar &thickness, const array::Array3D &u_sia, const array::Array3D &v_sia, const array::Array3D &w_sia, const array::Array3D &strain_heating)
Definition: siafd_test.cc:222
void GlobalSum(MPI_Comm comm, double *local, double *result, int count)
static void setInitStateF(Grid &grid, EnthalpyConverter &EC, array::Scalar &bed, array::Scalar &mask, array::Scalar &surface, array::Scalar &thickness, array::Array3D &enthalpy)
Set the test F initial state.
Definition: siafd_test.cc:177
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: siafd_test.cc:263
static char help[]
Definition: siafd_test.cc:19