Run-time diagnostic viewers

Basic graphical views of the changing state of a PISM ice model are available at the command line by using options listed in Table 25. All the quantities listed in Spatially-variable fields are available. Additionally, a couple of diagnostic quantities are only available as run-time viewers; these are shown in table Table 26.

Table 25 Options controlling run-time diagnostic viewers




Turns on map-plane views of one or several variables, see Spatially-variable fields.

-view_size (number)

desired viewer size, in pixels


The option -display :0 seems to frequently be needed to let PETSc use Xwindows when running multiple processes. It must be given as a final option, after all the others.

The option -view shows map-plane views of 2D fields and surface and basal views of 3D fields (see Spatially-variable fields); for example:

pismr -i -y 1000 -o -view thk,tempsurf

shows ice thickness and ice temperature at the surface.

Table 26 Special run-time-only diagnostic viewers




log base ten of nuH, only available if the finite-difference SSA solver is active.

-ssa_nuh_viewer_size (number)

Adjust the viewer size.


Iteration monitor for the Krylov subspace routines (KSP) in PETSc. Residual norm versus iteration number.

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