Signals, to control a running PISM model

Ice sheet model runs sometimes take a long time, so the state of a run may need checking. Sometimes the run needs to be stopped, but with the possibility of restarting. PISM implements these behaviors using “signals” from the POSIX standard, included in Linux and most flavors of Unix. Table 28 summarizes how PISM responds to signals. A convenient form of kill, for Linux users, is pkill which will find processes by executable name. Thus “pkill -USR1 pismr” might be used to send all PISM processes the same signal, avoiding an explicit list of PIDs.

Table 28 Signalling running PISM processes. “PIDs” stands for list of all identifiers of the PISM processes.



PISM behavior

kill -KILL PIDs


Terminate with extreme prejudice. PISM cannot catch it and no state is saved.

kill -TERM PIDs


End process(es), but save the last model state in the output file, using -o name or default name as normal. Note that the history string in the output file will contain an “EARLY EXIT caused by signal SIGTERM” indication.

kill -USR1 PIDs


Process(es) will continue after saving the model state at the end of the current time step, using a file name including the current model year. Time-stepping is not altered. Also flushes output buffers of scalar time-series.

kill -USR2 PIDs


Just flush time-series output buffers.

Here is an example. Suppose we start a long verification run in the background, with standard out redirected into a file:

pismv -test G -Mz 101 -y 1e6 -o >> log.txt &

This run gets a Unix process id, which we assume is “8920”. (Get it using ps or pgrep.) If we want to observe the run without stopping it we send the USR1 signal:

kill -USR1 8920

(With pkill one can usually type “pkill -usr1 pismv”.) Suppose it happens that we caught the run at year 31871.5. Then, for example, a NetCDF file is produced. Note also that in the standard out log file log.txt the line

caught signal SIGUSR1:  Writing intermediate file ... and flushing time series.

appears around that time step. Suppose, on the other hand, that the run needs to be stopped. Then a graceful way is

kill -TERM 8920

because the model state is saved and can be inspected.

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