PISM, A Parallel Ice Sheet Model  stable v2.1.1 committed by Constantine Khrulev on 2024-12-04 13:36:58 -0900
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Cpism::array::AccessScopeMakes sure that we call begin_access() and end_access() for all accessed array::Arrays
 Cpism::stressbalance::BedSmootherPISM bed smoother, plus bed roughness parameterization, based on Schoof (2003)
 Cpism::stencils::Box< T >
 Cpism::SNESProblem< DOF, U >::CallbackData
 Cpism::stressbalance::SSAFEM::CallbackDataAdaptor for gluing SNESDAFormFunction callbacks to an SSAFEM
 Cpism::columnSystemCtxBase class for tridiagonal systems in the ice
 Cpism::ComponentA class defining a common interface for most PISM sub-models
 Cpism::ConfigA class for storing and accessing PISM configuration flags and parameters
 Cpism::DataAccess< T >
 Cpism::surface::DEBMSimplePointwiseA dEBM-simple implementation
 Cpism::surface::LocalMassBalance::DegreeDayFactorsA struct which holds degree day factors
 Cpism::DiagnosticClass representing diagnostic computations in PISM
 Cpism::energy::DrainageCalculatorCompute the rate of drainage D(omega) for temperate ice
 Cpism::fem::ElementThe mapping from global to local degrees of freedom
 Cpism::fem::ElementIteratorManages iterating over element indices
 Cpism::EnthalpyConverterConverts between specific enthalpy and temperature or liquid content
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cpism::FileHigh-level PISM I/O class
 Cpism::bed::ge_dataParameters used to access elastic Green's function from the [Farrell] earth model
 Cpism::fem::GermStruct for gathering the value and derivative of a function at a point
 Cpism::rheology::grain_size_vostokA relationship between the age of the ice and the grain size from the Vostok core
 Cpism::GridDescribes the PISM grid and the distribution of data across processors
 Cpism::IceBasalResistancePlasticLawClass containing physical constants and the constitutive relation describing till for SSA
 Cpism::Grid::ImplInternal structures of Grid
 Cpism::grid::InputGridInfoContains parameters of an input file grid
 Cpism::inverse::IP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblemLCLDefines a Tikhonov minimization problem of determining \(\tau_c\) from SSA velocities to be solved with a TaoBasicSolver using the tao_lcl algorithm
 Cpism::inverse::IP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblemLCLListenerIteration callback class for IP_SSATaucTaoTikhonovProblemLCL
 Cpism::inverse::IPFunctional< IMVecType >Abstract base class for functions from ice model vectors to \(\mathbb{R}\)
 Cpism::inverse::IPFunctional< array::Scalar >
 Cpism::inverse::IPFunctional< array::Vector >
 Cpism::inverse::IPFunctional< pism::array::Scalar >
 Cpism::inverse::IPFunctional< pism::array::Vector >
 Cpism::inverse::IPTaoTikhonovProblem< ForwardProblem >Defines a Tikhonov minimization problem to be solved with a TaoBasicSolver
 Cpism::inverse::IPTaoTikhonovProblem< IP_SSAHardavForwardProblem >
 Cpism::inverse::IPTaoTikhonovProblem< IP_SSATaucForwardProblem >
 Cpism::inverse::IPTaoTikhonovProblemListener< ForwardProblem >Iteration callback class for IPTaoTikhonovProblem
 Cpism::bed::LingleClarkSerialClass implementing the bed deformation model described in [BLKfastearth]
 Cpism::surface::LocalMassBalanceBase class for a model which computes surface mass flux rate (ice thickness per time) from precipitation and temperature
 Cpism::LoggerA basic logging class
 Cpism::inverse::MatrixMultiplyCallback< C, MultiplyCallback >
 Cpism::MaxTimestepCombines the max. time step with the flag indicating if a restriction is active. Makes is possible to use the less-than operator (and std::min, etc) to choose the stricter of two restrictions
 Cpism::PCFactory< Model >::ModelCreator
 Cpism::PCFactory< Model >::ModifierCreator
 Cpism::io::NCFileThe PISM wrapper for a subset of the NetCDF C API
 Cpism::options::Option< T >Template base class used by PISM's option-processing classes
 Cpism::options::Option< double >
 Cpism::options::Option< int >
 Cpism::options::Option< std::string >
 Cpism::options::Option< std::vector< double > >
 Cpism::options::Option< std::vector< int > >
 Cpism::grid::ParametersGrid parameters; used to collect defaults before an Grid is allocated
 Cpism::PCFactory< Model >
 Cpism::PCFactory< AtmosphereModel >
 Cpism::PCFactory< frontalmelt::FrontalMelt >
 Cpism::PCFactory< ocean::OceanModel >
 Cpism::PCFactory< ocean::sea_level::SeaLevel >
 Cpism::PCFactory< SurfaceModel >
 Cpism::ProjA wrapper for PJ that makes sure pj_destroy is called
 Cpism::fem::QuadratureNumerical integration of finite element functions
 Cpism::rgridClass used initTestL() in generating sorted list for ODE solver
 Cpism::rgridReverseSortComparison used initTestL() in generating sorted list for ODE solver
 Cpism::python::SigInstallerInstalls a signal handler on construction; deinstalls on destruction
 Cpism::SNESProblem< DOF, U >
 Cpism::stressbalance::SSAStrengthExtensionGives an extension coefficient to maintain ellipticity of SSA where ice is thin
 Cpism::stencils::Star< T >Star stencil points (in the map-plane)
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoBasicSolver< Problem >An interface for solving an optimization problem with TAO where the problem itself is defined by a separate Problem class
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoConvergenceCallback< Problem >Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoGetVariableBoundsCallback< Problem >Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoGradientCallback< Problem >Adaptor to connect a TAO objective gradient callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoLCLCallbacks< Problem >Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoMonitorCallback< Problem >Adaptor to connect a TAO monitoring callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoObjectiveCallback< Problem >Adaptor to connect a TAO objective function callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::taoutil::TaoObjGradCallback< Problem, Callback >Adaptor to connect a TAO objective and gradient function callback to a C++ object method
 Cpism::TimeTime management class
 Cpism::TridiagonalSystemVirtual base class. Abstracts a tridiagonal system to solve in a column of ice and/or bedrock
 Cpism::TSDiagnosticPISM's scalar time-series diagnostics
 Cpism::VarsA class for passing PISM variables from the core to other parts of the code (such as climate couplers)
 Cpism::bed::vd_paramsParameters used to describe the response of the viscous half-space model to a disc load
 Cpism::petsc::VecArrayWrapper around VecGetArray and VecRestoreArray
 Cpism::petsc::VecArray2DWrapper around VecGetArray2d and VecRestoreArray2d
 Cpism::Vector2dThis class represents a 2D vector field (such as ice velocity) at a certain grid point
 Cpism::Wrapper< T >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::DM >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::IS >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::KSP >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::Mat >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::SNES >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::Tao >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::Vec >
 Cpism::Wrapper< ::VecScatter >
 Cpism::Wrapper< PetscViewer >